

Beginner & Intermediate Courses

  • Introductory Standard Chinese I 
  • Introductory Standard Chinese II
  • Chinese I for Students with Prior Backgrounds
  • Chinese II for Students with Prior Backgrounds 

  • Intermediate Chinese I 
  • Intermediate Chinese II 
  • Intermediate Chinese for Heritage Students I 
  • Intermediate Chinese for Heritage Students II 
  • Advanced Chinese I 
  • Advanced Chinese II 

Bilingual Courses for Students with HSK (H脿ny菙 Shu菒p铆ng K菐osh矛 or Chinese Proficiency Test) Level 6 or Higher:

  • Cultures in the East and West
  • Canada, China, and Beyond
  • Reading Chinese and English: China Inside Out 
  • Reading Chinese and English: Global Perspectives 
  • (formerly LGGC67H3) Literary Chinese and English Translations 
  • (formerly LGGC66H3) Classical Chinese and English Translations