
Corinne Beauquis

Corinne Beauquis
Associate Professor, Teaching Stream
Acting Chair
Telephone number
Building MW 310


Professor Beauquis is Associate Professor, Teaching Stream in the Department of Language Studies and has been with the °ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¿ª½±½Ó¿Ú since 2004. Her most recent research interests include Experiential Learning. In addition, she teaches various courses, including French language courses, French Language Learning in the School System, and Community-engaged Learning in the Francophone Community.

Most recently, she served as Special Advisor to the Dean on Experiential Education (2020-21). She received one of the Community-Engaged Learning Faculty Fellowships (2020-21) to provide support in developing new or enhanced, community-engaged learning and/or community-engaged research courses. She is also the recipient of 2 CEWIL (Co-operative Education and Work-Integrated Learning Canada) grants which have allowed for the creation of new Work-Integrated Learning opportunities that benefit students, the University and our community partners.  

Corinne Beauquis est professeure agrégée, volet enseignement, au département d'Études des Langues de l'Université de Toronto Scarborough où elle travaille depuis 2004. Ses recherches les plus récentes portent sur l'apprentissage par l'expérience. Elle enseigne divers cours de premier cycle en français, notamment des cours de langue, et d'autres sur l'apprentissage du français dans le système scolaire et sur l'apprentissage par l'engagement communautaire dans un environnement francophone.  Plus récemment, elle a occupé le poste de conseillère en éducation expérientielle auprès du doyen (2020-21). De plus, elle a reçu une des bourses professorales pour l'apprentissage engagé dans la communauté (2020-21) appuyant la refonte ou le développement de nouveaux cours d'apprentissage engagé dans la communauté et/ou la recherche engagée dans la communauté. Elle a également reçu deux subventions de ECAMT Canada (Enseignement coopératif et apprentissage en milieu de travail Canada), permettant la création de nouvelles opportunités d'apprentissage intégré au travail dont bénéficient les étudiants, les partenaires communautaires et l'Université de Toronto Scarborough.


Associate Member of the Centre de Recherches en Études Franco-Ontariennes (CREFO), at OISE  

Awards & Grants


  • CEWIL Grant, Diversifier et consolider les expériences de tutorat du/en français en Ontario : $26,250.00
  • LEAF Grant, U of T, Redesigning a 3rd year course for future French teachers: $9,566.76
  • Pedagogies of Inclusive Excellence Grant, Department of Language Studies, UTSC, DLS’s French Undergraduate Conference: $2,800.00
  • Pedagogical/Professional Development Support Fund, Centre for Teaching and Learning, UTSC: $1,000.00
  • e-Campus Ontario, Open Educational Resources Project Editor: $1,000.00 stipend



  • CEWIL Grant, Diversifier les apprentissages par l'engagement communautaire en français en milieu minoritaire : $38,173.12
  • Senior Community-Engaged Learning Faculty Fellowship, Centre for Community Partnerships, UofT: $1,000.00
  • Experiential Learning Fund, Office of the Vice-Principal Academic & Dean, UTSC: $14,000.00
  • Pedagogies of Inclusive Excellence Grant, Department of Language Studies, UTSC, Making Online Student Preparation Modules for French Experiential Learning more EDI and AODA compliant: $6,016.03
  • CTL Assessment Grant, UTSC, Assessment of Student Preparation Modules for French Experiential Learning: $1,000.00
  • CTL Professional Development Grant, UTSC: $250



  • Dean’s Special Fund for EL Projects: $8,604.66
  • CEWIL Grant, Apprentissage par l'engagement communautaire dans la communauté francophone de Toronto: $19,400.00
  • CEWIL Grant, Tutorat en français dans la région de Toronto : $20,695.00
  • e-Campus Ontario Grant, with co-investigators: Erika Loney and Al Hearn, Bilingual Student Preparation Modules for Experiential Learning/French and English: $24,930.80 (ongoing from 2020-21)



  • CEWIL Grant, Creating Equitable and Inclusive WIL with Student Stipends: $184,700.00
  • e-Campus Ontario Grant, with co-investigators: Erika Loney and Al Hearn, Bilingual Student Preparation Modules for Experiential Learning/French and English: $24,930.80
  • Community-Engaged Learning Faculty Fellowship, Centre for Community Partnerships, U of T, including $2,000.00 stipend


2019- 2020

  • Experiential Education Fund for FREC10, Round 1, Dean’s Office, UTSC: $2,500
  • Experiential Education for FREB11, Round 2, Dean’s Office, UTSC: $1,500
  • Pedagogical/Professional Development Support Fund, Dean’s Office, UTSC: $1,000
  • Jackman Humanities Institute, Scholars-in-Residence Program (Jackman Humanities Institute, U of T): $1,100 X 5 students+ $2,000 stipend

Other Resources

  • - 15 novembre 2023