
Christopher Payne

Christopher Payne
Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream
Telephone number
416 287-7429
Building MW 314
English and Chinese Translation


Dr.Payne’s background is in East Asian Studies, with a particular focus on cultural production from the People’s Republic of China (PRC), Taiwan and Hong Kong. He received his BA in History/East Asian Studies from Saint Mary’s University in Halifax, then spent the next two years living and studying in Taiwan. In 2002, he completed an MA in East Asian Studies at McGill University, and then spent the next four years living, studying and working in East Asia, mostly in Seoul, South Korea, as well as time spent in southern China near Macau and Hong Kong. In 2010, Dr Payne completed a PhD at SOAS, University of London, and shortly thereafter was appointed to the Academy of East Asian Studies at Sungkyunkwan University (Seoul, South Korea). In the autumn of 2013, he joined The University of Manchester where he spent six years, the last three as Programme Director for Chinese Studies. His work can be found in such prestigious journals as Modern Chinese Literature and Culture, Oriental Archive/Archiv Orientální and Positions: Asia Critique. He has multiple published translations, two novels by Mai Jia 麦家 (Decoded《解密》补苍诲 In the Dark《暗算》by Penguin), one by Jiang Zilong 蒋子龙 (Empires of Dust《农民帝国》 by ACA), as well as three titles published by Sinoist Books, Distant Sunflower Fields 《遥远的向日葵地》by Li Juan 李娟, The Mountain Whisperer 《老生》by Jia Pingwa 贾平凹 and All Quiet in Peking, Volume 3: Final Curtain Call《北平无战事》by Liu Heping 刘和平. Two more titles are due to be published soon, Jia Pingwa’s Old Kiln《古炉》and Huang Tongtong’s 黄佟佟 Late Spring《春光好》.&苍产蝉辫;


Distant Sunflower Fields
Distant Sunflower Fields
Li Juan
Translated by Christopher Payne
The Mountain Whisperer Jia Pingwa Translated by Christopher Payne
The Mountain Whisperer
Jia Pingwa
Translated by Christopher Payne