
UTSC Media: Marketing & Communications

UTSC Media: Marketing & Communications

Shortly after the province of Ontario declared a state of emergency in March 2020 in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Marketing & Communications partnered with Culinaria to produce shoft films to circulate within the UTSC community. These films focused on home-cooked meals that reflected the challenges of accessing food and preparing meals in the changed landscape created by the pandemic. These "Pandemic Pantry" shorts were filmed and submitted primarily by UTSC students, who cooked simple and comforting dishes from their home kitchens around the world.

For example, please see from her family kitchen in Columbia!

In the later spring, the partnership was enriched by the addition of the International Student Centre and film content celebrating Asian Heritage Month in May. Like the earlier collaboration, these later films highlighted the links between home and eating as sources of comfort and meaning in times of change.