
"Gastronomica: The Journal for Food Studies"

"Gastronomica: The Journal for Food Studies"

Culinaria faculty serve on the Editorial Collective of "Gastronomica: The Journal for Food Studies" and the Centre supports the journal in many ways, including providing opportunities for graduate students.  


Published by the University of California Press, Gastronomica is a field-leading journal in food studies. It represents the space where the breadth of academic scholarship on food cultures meets a public that is increasingly interested in questions of food, gastronomy, and the culinary arts. With a long history of accessible scholarship, exceptional production values, and varied, long-form writing, Gastronomica is uniquely positioned to enable food scholars to interact with our profession and the public. 


Gastronomica is an international, interdisciplinary journal, publishing work that presents original research and writing which advances our understanding and appreciation of the most pressing topics in the world of food, and invites critical debate and commentary across diverse audiences around the world. The journal therefore welcomes submissions from all disciplines and perspectives, and encourages language that is clear, vivid, and free from specialized jargon – whether for Scholarly, Food Phenomena, or Review submissions (see below for more details). 


Gastronomica hosts a podcast series, typically featuring authors from the journal and hosted by Collective members. The podcast, Meant to Be Eaten, is available on all streaming platforms and through the Heritage Radio Network. 


For more information:  and . For recent podcast episodes of Meant to Be Eaten, see:  


Submission Procedures 

All Scholarly and Food Phenomena pieces should be submitted to our online submission platform, ScholarOne (). All reviews (for books, films, television, and any other media platforms such as visual expositions or podcasts) should be submitted by email to gastroreviews@ucpress.edu. Prospective reviewers should please contact the Reviews Editor to propose a review before completing a submission.