
SCSU Food Centre

SCSU Food Centre

It has been our great pleasure to work with the  and the incredible, all-volunteer  it runs. Our collaborations with the centre have been varied based on changing needs over time but has included collaboration through and with Edible Campus and the Campus Farm. Together we have supported in different ways at different times and has included:

"Soup is Love" (December 2019): A technique and recipe-building workshop featuring regularly available items in the centre and produce from the Campus Farm.

"TO Food Centre Partnership Recipes" (May 2020): A collection of recipes compiled by Culinaria in partnership with the city-wide and SCSU Food Centre responses to the rise in Food Centre clientele across the GTA during the COVID-19 pandemic. The city-wide project to improve access to food included volunteers from throughout the UTSC community. The SCSU Food Centre volunteers were especially active in this larger project and provided the food items cited in the recipes to clients in our UTSC and Scarborough communities.