

A selected bibliography linked to the City Food collaboration.

Ahmad, Zarin.  “Marginal Occupations and Modernising Cities: Muslim Butchers in Urban India.”  Economic and Political Weekly, August 10, 2013.

Baker, Lauren E. “Tending Cultural Landscapes and Food Citizenship in Toronto’s Community Gardens.” Geographical Review 94, no. 3 (2004): 305-325.

Barndt, Deborah. Tangled Routes: Women, Work and Globalization on the Tomato Trail. Lanham, Maryland: Rowan and Littlefield, 2008.

Blay-Palmer, Alison and Betsy Donald.  “A Tale of Three Tomatoes: The New Food Economy in Toronto, Canada.”  Economic Geography 82, no. 4 (2006):383-399.

Boudreau, Julie-Anne, Roger Keil and Douglas Young.  Changing Toronto: Governing Urban Neoliberalism.  Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2009.

Brenner, Neil and Roger Keil, eds.  The Global Cities Reader.  London: Routledge, 2006

Buettner, Elizabeth.“‘Going for an Indian’: South Asian Restaurants and the Limits of Multiculturalism in Britain.” The Journal of Modern History 80 (December 2008): 865-901.

Cook, Ian and Philip Crang.  “The World on a Plate: Culinary Culture, Displacement and Geographical Knowledges.” Journal of Material Culture 1, no. 2 (1996): 131-153.

Cook, Ian and Michelle Harrison.  “Follow the Thing: West Indian Hot Pepper Sauce.”  Space and Culture 10, no. 1 (2007): 40-63.

Datta, Ayona. “Places of Everyday Cosmopolitanisms: East European Construction Workers in London.”  Environment and Planning A 41 (2009): 353-370Dupont, Veronique, Emma Tarlo and Denis Vidal, eds.  Delhi: Urban Space and Human Destinies. New Delhi: Manohar, 2000.

Diner, Hasia. Hungering for America: Italian, Irish, and Jewish Foodways in the Age of Migration. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2001.

Duruz, Jean. “Eating at the Borders: Culinary Journeys.”  In Everyday Multiculturalism, edited by Amanda Wise and Selvaraj Velayutham, 105-121.  London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2009a.

Duruz, Jean. “Living in Singapore, Traveling to Hong Kong, Remembering Australia: Intersections of Food and Place.” Journal of Australian Studies 30, no. 87 (2009b): 101-115.

Fridman, Joel, and Lindsey Lenters. “Kitchen as Food Hub: Adaptive Food Systems Governance in the City of Toronto.” Local Environment 18, no. 5 (2013): 543.   

Gabaccia, Donna R. and Jeffrey M. Pilcher. “‘Chili Queens’ and Checkered Tablecloths: Public Dining Culture of Italians in New York City and Mexicans in San Antonio, Texas, 1870s- 1940s.” Radical History Review 110 (Spring 2011): 109-125.

Hauck-Lawson, Annie and Jonathan Deutsch, eds.  Gastropolis: Food in New York City.  New York: Columbia University Press, 2008.

Harney, Nicholas. “Building Italian Regional Identity in Toronto: Using Space to Make Culture Material.”  Anthropologica 44 no. 1 (2002): 43-54

Heldke, Lisa.  Exotic Appetites: Ruminations of a Food Adventurer. New York: Routledge, 2003.

Henderson, Joan C., Ong Si Yun, Priscilla Poon, and Xu Biwei. “Hawker Centres as Tourist Attractions: The Case of Singapore.” International Journal of Hospitality Management 31, no. 3 (September 2012): 849–855.

Highmore, Ben. “The Taj Mahal in the High Street: The Indian Restaurant as Diasporic Popular Culture in Britain.” Food, Culture & Society 12, no. 2 (June 2009): 173-190.

———. “Alimentary Agents: Food, Cultural Theory and Multiculturalism.”  Journal of Intercultural Studies 29, no. 4 (2008): 381-398.

hooks, bell.  “Eating the Other.”  In Black Looks: Race and Representation, 21-40.  Boston, MA: South End Press, 1992.

Huat, Chua Beng. “Singapore as Model: Planning Innovations, Knowledge Experts.” In Worlding Cities: Asian Experiments and the Art of Being Global, edited by Ananya Roy and Aihwa Ong, 29-54.  Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell, 2011.

Frost, Nicola. “Strange people but they sure can cook!” An Indonesian Women's Group in Sydney.” Food, Culture & Society 11, no. 2 (June 2008): 173-189.

Iacovetta, Franca, Valerie J. Korinek and Marlene Epp, eds. Edible Histories, Cultural Politics: Towards a Canadian Food History. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2012.

Imbruce, Valerie. “From the Bottom Up: The Global Expansion of Chinese Vegetable Trade for New York City Markets.” In Fast Food/Slow Food: The Cultural Economy of the Global Food System, edited by Richard Wilk, 163-180.  New York: Rowman and Littlefield, 2006.

Johnston, Josée and Shyon Baumann. Foodies: Democracy and Distinction in the Gourmet Foodscape. New York: Routledge, 2010.

Jun, Jing, ed. Feeding China’s Little Emperors: Food, Children, and Social Change. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 2000.

Kirkby, Diane. “‘From Wharfie Haunt to Foodie Haven’: Modernity and Law in the Transformation of the Australian Working-class Pub.” Food, Culture & Society 11, no. 1 (Mar. 2008): 29-48.

Koc, Mustafa, Rod MacRae, Luc J. A. Mougeot and Jennifer Welsh, eds.  For Hunger-Proof Cities: Sustainable Urban Food Systems.  Ottawa: IDRC, 1999.

Liu, Haiming.  “Chop Suey as Imagined Authentic Chinese Food: The Culinary Identity of Chinese Restaurants in the United States.”  Journal of Transnational American Studies 1, no. 1 (2009): 1-24.

Long, Lucy M.  “Culinary Tourism: A Folklorist Perspective on Eating and Otherness.”   In Culinary Tourism, edited by Lucy M. Long, 20-50.  Lexington: University of Kentucky Press, 2004.

MacLachlan, Ian.  Kill and Chill: Restructuring Canada’s Beef Commodity Chain.  Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2001.

Manalansan IV, Martin F. “Immigrant Lives and the Politics of Olfaction in the Global City.” In The Smell Culture Reader, edited by Jim Drobnick, 41-52. Oxford: Berg, 2006.

Mannur, Anita.  “Model Minorities Can Cook: Fusion Cuisine in Asian America.”  In East Main Street: Asian American Popular Culture, edited by Shilpa Davé, LeiLani Nishime and Tasha G. Oren, 72-94.  New York: New York University Press, 2005.

Maroney, Stephanie R. “‘To Make a Curry the India Way’: Tracking the Meaning of Curry Across Eighteenth-Century Communities.” Food and Foodways, 19 no. 1-2 (2011): 122-134.

Marte, Lidia. “Foodmaps: Tracing Boundaries of ‘Home’ Through Food Relations” Food and Foodways 15, no. 3-4 (2007): 261-289.

Martini, Fadhel and Wong Tai Chee. “Restaurants in Little India, Singapore: A Study of Spatial Organization and Pragmatic Cultural Change.” Sojourn: Journal of Social Issues in Southeast Asia 16, no. 1 (April 2001): 147–161.

McDuie-Ra, Duncan. “The ‘North-East’ Map of Delhi.” Economic and Political Weekly, July 28, 2012.

Mehta, Julie.  “Toronto’s Multicultured Tongues: Stories of South Asian Cuisines.” In Edible Histories, Cultural Politics: Towards a Canadian Food History, edited by Franca Iacovetta, Valerie J. Korinek and Marlene Epp, 156-169.  Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2012.

Padoongpatt, T. M. “Too Hot to Handle: Food, Empire, and Race in Thai Los Angeles.” Radical History Review 2011, no. 110 (April 2011): 83–108.

Ray, Krishnendu. “Global Flows, Local Bodies: Dreams of Pakistani Grill in Manhattan.”  In Curried Cultures: Globalization, Indian Cuisine and the Urban Middle Classes, edited by Krishnendu Ray and Tulasi Srinivas, 97-114.  Berkeley: UC Press, 2012.

Renne, Elisha P.  “Mass-Producing Food Traditions for West Africans Abroad.” American Anthropologist 109, no. 4 (2007): 616-625.

Roy, Ananya and Aihwa Ong, eds. Worlding Cities: Asian Experiments and the Art of Being Global.  Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell, 2011.     

Said, Edward.  Orientalism. New York: Vintage Books, 1979.

Sassen, Saskia. “Cityness in the Urban Age.”  Urban Age Bulletin 2 (Autumn 2005): 1-3. Available at:

Sen, Arijit.  “From Curry Mahals to Chaat Cafés: Spatialities of the South Asian Culinary Landscape.”  In Curried Cultures: Globalization, Indian Cuisine and the Urban Middle Classes, edited by Krishnendu Ray and Tulasi Srinivas, 196-218.  Berkeley: UC Press, 2012.

Siegel, Benjamin. “Learning to Eat in a Capital City: Constructing Public Eating Culture in Delhi.” Food, Culture & Society 13, no. 1 (March 2010): 71-90.

Srinivas, Tulasi. “Everyday Exotic: Transnational Space, Identity and Contemporary Foodways in Bangalore City.” Food, Culture & Society 10, no. 1 (Spring 2007): 85-107.

Wise, Amanda, and Selvaraj Velayutham.  “Introduction: Multiculturalism and Everyday Life.” In Everyday Multiculturalism, edited by Amanda Wise and Selvaraj Velayutham, 1-17.  London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2009.