
Noha Fikry Ismail

Noha Fikry Ismail
Ph.D Student
Anthropology--Collaborative Specialization in Food Studies

Noha is an anthropologist specializing in the anthropology of food and ecological anthropology in Egypt, with a BA and an MA in cultural anthropology from the American University in Cairo, Egypt. Her MA thesis, titled "Rooftop Recipes for Relating: Ecologies of Humans, Animals, and Life", explored the nuanced human-animal relations on Cairo鈥檚 rooftops, where people raise animals for nutritional/economic sustenance. Since finishing her MA, she has functioned as an adjunct faculty member in her home department, teaching introductory anthropology and sociology courses on a variety of topics including: Arab Society and Arab family structure and dynamics. Noha is scheduled to begin her PhD in anthropology in the University of Toronto in January 2021. Among other things, Noha finds her biggest inspiration in food and the hundreds of handwritten recipe books that her mother passionately fed her, as food for bodies and food for thought!