
Janita Van Dyk

Janita Van Dyk
Ph.D Candidate
Anthropology--Collaborative Specialization in Food Studies

I am a doctoral student in the Department of Anthropology. My research tracks how time and 'slowness' become materially and socially meaningful to contemporary sustainable agricultural movements. Ethnographically my research follows the movement of these changing temporal meanings and practices between Italy and Canada, specifically within the Slow Food network. My research has two broader goals. First, I aim to contribute to a broader understanding of the role of time or 'temporality' within agricultural movements. Second, I locate the importance of shifting tensions and collaborations between humans and nonhumans in agricultural sustainability projects as they differentially respond to the 'accelerating' economic and climatological conditions of the 'Anthropocene.' Email: janita.vandyk@mail.utoronto.ca Twitter: @janita_vandyk