
Web3 Student Group (W3B)

Web3 Student Group (W3B)

Who are we? 

W3B is a club dedicated to the education of Web3, blockchain, and cryptocurrency. The club aims to help like-minded individuals build skills within the Web3 space, help others enter the space seamlessly, and provide opportunities to connect and network with people! We also aim to bridge the gap between those in the computer science discipline and those in the management discipline, providing an environment where people from such different backgrounds can work together on similar passions!

What is our goal?

The mission of W3B is to foster innovation, collaboration, and knowledge sharing among students interested in Web3 and bridge the gap between computer science and management. We aim to make web3 the new normal. 

What do we do?

W3B organizes workshops, seminars, networking events, and competitions to educate and engage students in exploring and utilizing Web3 technologies. 

Contact us

Want to get in touch? Send us an email at web3.uoft@gmail.com.

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