
Statistics Overview

Statistics on a screen

Statistics is the science of learning from data to provide answers, via statistical inference, to questions of interest in a broad range of scientific disciplines. The subject is concerned with providing methods for the proper collection of data as well as for the determination of the inferences. The distinguishing feature of the inferences is that they are uncertain and statistical theory also provides methodology for assessing their accuracy.

Statisticians apply their knowledge to solve problems in almost every field of science, technology, and business. A statistician might evaluate the effectiveness of a new drug, profile a company's customer base, or monitor the output of the Canadian economy. As a famous statistician once put it, "the best thing about Statistics is that you get to play in everyone else's backyard."

As our world is becoming ever more data-driven, the demand for statistical expertise will only increase. As a result, studying Statistics is an excellent choice for students with strong quantitative skills and an interest in applying these skills to solve practical problems.

Programs in Statistics

Statistics Courses for Non-Statisticians

STAB22H3 and STAB27H3 serve as a non-technical introduction to Statistics. These courses are designed for students from disciplines where statistical methods are applied. STAB52H3 explores the mathematical treatment of probability. STAB57H3 is an introduction to the methods and theory of statistical inference. The C-level courses build on the introductory material to provide a deeper understanding of statistical methodology and its practical implementation. Please click here to .

For questions regarding Statistics Programs, please contact the Program Supervisor.