
Understanding POSt Requirements

people pointing to a laptop

Do you have questions about POSt requirements? We have the answers!

In your first year, you'll be accepted into one of our three admission categories - Computer Science, Mathematics, or Statistics. If you meet the grade requirements specific to your category, you'll be allowed to enter your program of study in second year. We call that entering POSt (Program of Study). If you make POSt, you will officially be in your desired program and will be allowed to continue until you graduate or elect to change programs. If you do not meet minimum requirements in your first year, you will not be allowed to make POSt and will have to select a different program to switch to in your second year.

Below you'll find the details about the grade requirements needed to meet POSt. Please note, while there is room for everyone in an admission category to move forward to their corresponding POSt if grade requirements are met, you'll need to compete for limited space if you decide to change programs and will likely need higher grades.

For a complete list of all program POSt requirements, please click here.

Understanding POSt Requirements

Students who meet the minimum grade requirements in their first year will be allowed to continue as either a Computer Science Specialist or Major in their second year.

Students must meet the following grade requirements to continue in the program:

1. Minimum Grade Point Average (GPA) of 2.5 over Introduction to Computer Science II, Discrete Mathematics, Linear Algebra I for Mathematical Sciences, Calculus I for Mathematical Sciences, and Calculus II for Mathematical Sciences.

2. A minimum grade of B (73-76%) in Introduction to Computer Science II.

3. A minimum grade of C- (60-62%) in two of Discrete Mathematics, Linear Algebra I for Mathematical Sciences, and Calculus II for Mathematical Sciences.

Note: The Entrepreneurship and Information Systems streams have additional requirements. Students can find the Entrepreneurship stream (in link embedded). Application will only be accepted in Round 1 of the POSt application.

View a detailed breakdown of all requirements to successfully enter the second year of the Computer Science program.

Students who meet the minimum grade requirements in their first year will be allowed to continue as either a Mathematics Specialist or Major in their second year.

Students must meet the following grade requirements to continue in the Mathematics Major program:

1. Minimum Grade Point Average (GPA) of 2.0 over Discrete Mathematics, Linear Algebra I for Mathematical Sciences, Calculus I for Mathematical Sciences, and Calculus II for Mathematical Sciences.

2. A minimum grade of B (73-76%) in one of Discrete Mathematics, Linear Algebra I for Mathematical Sciences, or Calculus II for Mathematical Sciences.

Students must meet the following grade requirements to continue in the Mathematics Specialist program:

1. Minimum Grade Point Average (GPA) of 2.5 over Discrete Mathematics, Linear Algebra I for Mathematical Sciences, Calculus I for Mathematical Sciences, and Calculus II for Mathematical Sciences.

2. A minimum grade of B (73-76%) in two of Discrete Mathematics, Linear Algebra I for Mathematical Sciences, and Calculus II for Mathematical Sciences.

View a detailed breakdown of all requirements to successfully enter the second year of the Mathematics program.

Students who meet the minimum grade requirements in their first year will be allowed to continue as either a Statistics Specialist or Major in their second year.

Students must meet the following grade requirements to continue in the Statistics Major program:

1. Minimum Grade Point Average (GPA) of 2.3 over Introduction to Computer Science I/Introduction to Programming, Linear Algebra I for Mathematical Sciences, Calculus I for Physical Sciences/ Calculus I for Mathematical Sciences, and Calculus II for Physical Sciences/Calculus II for Mathematical Sciences.

We offer three streams of the Statistics Specialist program of study (Statistical Science Stream, Quantitative Finance Stream, and Statistical Machine Learning & Data Science Stream). There are a limited number of spaces in each of the three streams. Students will be selected for admission based on their grades in the core first-year courses.

Note: Introduction to Computer Science II is required to enter the Statistical Machine Learning & Data Science Stream.

View a detailed breakdown of all requirements to successfully enter the second year of the Statistics Program.