
Sohee Kang

A photo of professor Sohee Kang.
Associate Professor, Teaching Stream
Telephone number
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Building IA 4052

Dr. Kang is Statistics Coordinator in the Mathematics and Statistics Learning Centre. She is an Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream of Statistics, and an applied statistician. Her previous academic experience includes a two-year assistant professorship at Trent University and a two-year postdoctoral research fellowship at Mount Sinai Hospital.  She is very engaged in statistical consultation for faculty and graduate students to facilitate their research endeavors. She is also active in the use and refinement of classroom technology. She has been awarded several internal and external teaching grants for enhancing collaborative learning and embracing technology in the classroom.  Mathematics Classroom Collaborator (MC2), IFCAT (Immediate Feedback Collaborative Assessment Tool) and gamification in WeBWorK (online homework system) are by-products form these grants which impact large first and second year statistics courses. She is currently serving as chair of the Statistics Education Committee at the Statistical Society of Canada, and a national coordinator of International Statistical Literacy Project.


M.Sc.(Toronto), Ph.D.(Toronto)


Centre for Teaching and Learning

Teaching Interests

I have great passion in teaching and statistical consulting. I also work at the Mathematics and Statistics Learning Center to improve students’ proficiency in Statistics. I have an interest in quantitative analysis for teaching effective assessment and also active learning and hands-on activities in undergraduate statistics courses.

Research Interests

My research interests are in several areas of applied statistics such as biostatistics (especially in Statistical Genetics), survival analysis, Bayesian statistics, and generalized linear models.

Awards and Grants

U of T’s Early Career Teaching Award, 2018