
Shahriar Shams

A photo of professor Shahriar Shams.
Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream
Telephone number
Building IA 4104

Shahriar Shams is a PhD in Biostatistics candidate at the Dalla Lana School of Public Health at the university of Toronto. His research focuses on applying Bayesian paradigm in reducing uncertainty in the measurement of health utilities. Before joining UTSC, he was teaching at the Statistics department at the St. George campus as a teaching stream limited term faculty. And before starting his PhD program he was working as a Biostatistician at university health network (UHN).


PhD in Biostatistics candidate at the Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto.

Teaching Interests

Bayesian statistics, Mathematical Statistics, Regression Analysis, Categorical Data Analysis

Research Interests

  • Bayesian Statistics
  • Health Utility Measurement



  1. Shams S, Pullenayegum EM. Reducing Uncertainty in EQ-5D Value Sets: The Role of Spatial Correlation. Medical Decision Making. 2019; 39(2):91-99.
  2. Shams S*, Pullenayegum EM. Design and sample size considerations for valuation studies of multi鈥恆ttribute utility instruments. Statistics in Medicine. 2020; 39(23): 3074-3104.