
Paul Selick

A photo of professor Paul Selick.
Professor Emeritus
Telephone number
Fax number
Building IA 4035

I was born in Saint John, N.B. and attended the University of Toronto as an undergraduate, followed by obtaining my Ph.D. from Princeton University.

Upon graduation I was an instructor at MIT and The University of Western Ontario before coming to UTSC in 1984. My research is in homotopy theory which is a branch of algebraic topology. The basis of the subject is the application of algebra to solve problems which originate in geometry.

My interests outside mathematics include strategy games such as GO (Weichi) in which I twice represented Canada as Canadian champion at the world amateur championship.


B.Sc.(Toronto), M.Sc.(Toronto), Ph.D.(Princeton)

Research Interests

Algebraic Topology/Homotopy Theory, Representations of the Symmetric Groups

Awards and Grants

  • Coxeter-James Prize, 1985