
CMS Research Symposium F23

CMS Research Symposium F23

Join us for an exploration of insightful research, bringing together student researchers, faculty members, and innovators from diverse fields to present and discuss their latest findings. See detailed symposium proceeding , presentation deck , and recording . 

"The commitment of the contributors and quality of the presentations from our student was comparable to the one that one would see at any international conference. The level of engagement among students was superb, it totally exceeded our expectations demonstrating how relevant and how students' driven research resonates within our CMS community. We want to heartfully thank all of the participants, supervisors but overall the students presenting for this amazing event that everyone contributed to bring it together! We can't wait to see how the 2024 CMS Undergraduate Research Symposium will look like!" 

Organizing Committee: Brian Harrignton, Marcelo Ponce, Gwen Wang
CMS, UTSC – October, 2023

Date and Time: -
Location: IC Atrium, IC111