
Bianca Schroeder

A photo of professor Bianca Schroeder.
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Building IA 4142

Dr. Schroeder holds a PhD degree in Computer Science from Carnegie Mellon University and spend two years as a post-doctoral researcher at Carnegie Mellon University before joining UofT in 2008. Dr Schroeder likes to solve hard problems in the design of computer systems through the combined use of analytical and experimental methods, and in collaboration with industry partners. Her research has led to highly cited peer-reviewed publications (some with more than 400 citations in the few years since publication), a number of prestigious awards, including 4 best paper awards at elite conferences, a Sloan Research Fellowship, and an NSERC Discovery Accelerator Supplement, and has also been featured in dozens of articles in popular media outlets such as Computerworld, PCWorld, and Wired. She has been selected to serve as a program chair for three premier conferences in her area: ACM Sigmetrics 2014, Usenix FAST 2014, and IEEE NAS 2011.


M.Sc.(Universitaet des Saarlandes), Ph.D.(Carnegie Mellon)

Awards and Grants

  • 2013 Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship
  • 2013 NSERC Discovery Accelerator Supplement
  • 2012 Best Paper Award ACM Sigmetrics
  • 2012 Connaught New Researcher Award
  • 2010 NetApp Faculty Fellowship Award
  • 2009 Best presentation Award ACM Sigmetrics
  • 2008 Best Student Paper Award Usenix FAST
  • 2007 Best Paper Award Usenix FAST
  • 2003 Best Paper Award 18th International Teletraffic Congress


See  for links to publications