
Programs in Anthropology

Anthropology is the study of humankind, dealing with the origin, development and nature of humans and their culture. As such, it is concerned with human phenomena in the widest possible terms, both biological and cultural. It differs from other social sciences in its comparative and historical approach, and in its intimate links with both the natural sciences and the humanities. Anthropology examines societies today and in the past, both complex civilizations, global and transnational interconnections, and relatively small-scale, non-literate societies. From this vantage point, Anthropology attempts to understand the common factors underlying human existence and the factors that produce social change and differences between people and cultures.

Because of its vast subject matter, Anthropology is traditionally divided into four subject fields: Socio-cultural Anthropology, Evolutionary Anthropology, Anthropological Linguistics, and Archaeology. At the present time, 澳门六合彩开奖接口 offers courses within two major streams: Socio-cultural and Evolutionary. Also offered are Linguistic Anthropology courses (linked to the Socio-cultural stream) and Archaeology courses (linked to the Evolutionary stream).

Students intending to complete a program in Anthropology must take ANTA01H3 and ANTA02H3 within their first year in order to prepare them for more advanced courses. Students normally elect whether to pursue the Socio-cultural stream (which leads to a B.A. degree) or the Evolutionary Anthropology stream (which leads to a B.Sc. degree) during their second year of study, but are encouraged to take courses in both streams. All courses in Evolutionary Anthropology carry a science credit.

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The Specialist Program in Evolutionary Anthropology is intended to provide the professionally oriented student with background preparation of sufficient breadth and depth to pursue specialized training at the graduate level. It is also designed to offer interested students a course structure as background for a wide range of occupations and professions. Students are encouraged to consult with the Undergraduate Counsellor regarding the selection of a course sequence appropriate to their interests and objectives. In exceptional circumstances, supervised research and reading courses are available at the C- and D-levels (, ). These courses require special arrangements prior to registration. Read the descriptions for these courses carefully as restrictions apply.

The Specialist (Co-op) in Evolutionary Anthropology is intended to provide the professionally oriented student with background preparation of sufficient breadth and depth to pursue specialized training at the graduate level. It is also designed to offer interested students a course structure as background for a wide range of occupations and professions. Students are encouraged to consult with the Undergraduate Counsellor regarding the selection of a course sequence appropriate to their interests and objectives. In exceptional circumstances, supervised research and reading courses are available at the C- and D-levels (, ). These courses require special arrangements prior to registration. Read the descriptions for these courses carefully as restrictions apply. The Specialist (Co-op) in Evolutionary Anthropology complements and punctuates academic course work with full-time work terms which help students define and refine their career and/or professional school goals.

The Specialist Program in Socio-Cultural Anthropology is intended to provide the professionally oriented student with background preparation of sufficient breadth and depth to pursue specialized training at the graduate level. It is also designed to offer interested students a course structure as background for a wide range of occupations and professions. Students are encouraged to consult with the Undergraduate Counsellor regarding the selection of a course sequence appropriate to their interests and objectives. In exceptional circumstances, supervised research and reading courses are available at the C- and D-levels (, ). These courses require special arrangements prior to registration. Read the descriptions for these courses carefully as restrictions apply.

The Major program in Evolutionary Anthropology provides a course structure for those students desiring to expand upon or supplement other areas of academic interest by taking advantage of Anthropology's unique global, chronological, and biological perspective on the human condition.

The Major in Evolutionary Anthropology provides a course structure for those students desiring to expand upon or supplement other areas of academic interest by taking advantage of Anthropology's unique global, chronological, and biological perspective on the human condition.

The Major (Co-op) in Evolutionary Anthropology complements and punctuates academic course work with full-time work terms which help students define and refine their career and/or professional school goals.

The Major program in Socio-Cultural Anthropology provides a course structure for those students desiring to expand upon or supplement other areas of academic interest by taking advantage of Anthropology's unique global, chronological, and biological perspective on the human condition.

The Minor Program in Anthropology provides a course structure for students majoring or specializing in other disciplines who want some directed exposure to anthropological thought.  Anthropology pairs very nicely with a large number of other programs including Biology, City Studies, Critical Development Studies, English, Health Studies, History, Human Geography, Political Science, and Sociology.  It can add breadth to any field.


This Certificate will provide students with concentrated training in Bioarchaeology, the subdiscipline of Archaeology that focuses on the study of biological materials from archaeological sites, with a particular emphasis on skeletal remains (both human and non-human).
Note: Courses for which students have selected the CR/NCR option, cannot be used towards the completion of this Certificate

This certificate will provide students with detailed knowledge of skeletal and dental anatomy in humans and related taxa from diverse perspectives, as well as a solid understanding of the evolutionary processes that led to that anatomy.

The Combined Degree Programs for UTSC Honours Bachelor of Science (HBSc)/ Honours Bachelor of Arts (HBA) with the Master of Teaching (MT) offered by the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education are designed for students who are interested in a career in Education. They allow exceptional students who are registered in one of the 50 identified Specialist and Major programs to gain early admission to the MT, which is a full-time professional program that leads to both a Master's degree and eligibility to become a certified teacher in Ontario. Students who successfully complete one of the Combined Degree Programs listed below will earn two University of Toronto degrees (HBA/ HBSc and MT), and be recommended to the Ontario College of Teachers for a Certificate of Qualifications as elementary or secondary school teachers.