
Genevieve Dewar

Genevieve Dewar, a white woman with brown hair wearing thick tortoiseshell glasses and hoop earrings smiles at the camera
Professor and Associate Chair
Telephone number
cell 416-985-0366
Building HL 312

Teaching Interests

Introduction to Anthropology: Becoming Human
Human Origins: New Discoveries
Human and Primate Comparative Osteology
Advanced Topics In Human Osteology

Research Interests

Origins and development of Modern Human Behaviour; Adaptations to Marginal Environments in the Middle Stone Age; Bioarchaeology; Subsistence strategies; Settlement patterns

Selected Recent Publications

Patalano et al. 2023. Reliable Food and Water Resources of Late Pleistocene- to-Holocene Lesotho, Southern Africa, Facilitated Human Upland Habitation. Nature: Communications, Earth & Environment.

Hopper, C., Dunne, J, Dewar, G., and Evershed, R. 2023. Chemical evidence for milk, meat, and marine resource processing in Later Stone Age pots from Namaqualand South Africa. Nature Scientific Reports 13: 1658

Dewar, G., MacKay, A., Stewart, B. 2023 ‘Sptizkloof A Rockshelter, South Africa’. (In) the Handbook of Pleistocene Archaeology of Africa: Hominin behaviour, geography, and chronology. Edited by Beyin, A., D. Wright, J. Wilkins, A Bouzouggaar, & DI Olszewski. Springer.

Hopper, C. and Dewar, G. 2022. Later Stone Age herd management strategies in western South Africa: Evaluating sheep demographics, herd size, and faunal composition. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology.

Pazan, K., Dewar, G., and Stewart, B.A. 2022. The Last Interglacial-aged (~80 ka) Middle Stone Age lithic assemblages from Melikane Rockshelter, highland Lesotho. Quaternary International