
Wing Lam Leung – More than the dollar sign — new fundraising practices during & after the pandemic in the arts

Wing Lam Leung

Watch Wing Lam Leung's research presentation .

Wing Lam Leung
4th year
Arts Management, Curatorial Studies and Studio Art 


Wing Lam Leung is an emerging arts manager and artist from UTSC. She is a 4th-year student studying Arts Management, Curatorial Studies and Studio Art. Wing is interested in learning philanthropy, fundraising and relational aesthetics. She thinks observing trends and reflecting upon activism is important for her to make conscious and constructive impacts as she becomes an arts manager. Her artistic practice questions the nuances between art and life, body and social relations. Her ideas are not confined by any medium as she likes to explore a variety of forms of expression.  


This project means to investigate how some of the fundraising practices in the nonprofits arts sector have changed throughout the pandemic. I then theorize about best practices moving forward to 2021 and onwards. I observe and analyze thematic focal points and trends about fundraising practices in the arts during the pandemic, while comparing to the time before it. By learning the shift of this practice during the crisis, I want to share that fundraising as a professional practice isn't all about finding money, but rather finding ways to engage relationships with stakeholders through creative and critical thinking in response to the environment like the pandemic crisis and social awakening to racial justice. I will share my current progress of the research and how I will approach the next stages.