
Event Season 2012 - 2013

Event Season 2012 - 2013

Fall 2012

October 2012
John Carpenter's They Live October 2, 2012
AA 112
The Media Studies Film & Speaker Series presents:
John Carpenter's They Live
Starring former professional wrestler "Rowdy" Roddy Piper, this sci-fi cult classic tells the tale of an unemployed drifter who finds a pair of sunglasses that allow him to see that aliens have taken over the Earth.

ARTSIDEOUT October 4, 2012
UTSC Campus
ARTSIDEOUT is UTSC's largest multi-disciplinary arts festival. Now in its fifth year, the day-long festival features a variety of arts events, exhibits, performances and much more taking place throughout campus! Celebrate the vibrant visual and performance arts culture with us this year at ARTSIDEOUT 2012! Think outside the box and be inspired by the treasure-trove of creativity bursting from Scarborough's talented artists!

Global Media and Innocence of Muslims October 9, 2012
AA 112
The Media Studies Film & Speaker Series presents:
Global Media and "Innocence of Muslims"
Moderated by Michael Petit, the Program Director of the Media Studies program at UTSC, the panel with feature a variety of faculty experts who will discuss the controversial film and its implications for media, journalism, and contemporary culture within the context of globalization. Please note that the film will not be shown.

The American Caruso: The Tragedy of Mario Lanza October 9, 2012
AA 303
The World Rhythyms Performance Lecture Series presents:
The American Caruso: The Tragedy of Mario Lanza
Featuring Edward Franko (tenor) and Lenard Whiting (tenor) and accompanied by Brett Kingsbury (piano), the program will include performances of some of Lanza's most famous works, including Be My Love, Serenade, and O Sole Mio.

Buddhism in a Globalised World October 11, 2012
AA 160
The Tung Lin Kok Yuen Perspectives on Buddhist Thought and Culture presents:
Buddhism in a Globalised World
Given by Dr. Geoffrey Samuel, the 2012-13 TLKY Visiting Professor in Buddhist Studies, this free public lecture examines the dramatically different trajectories of Sri Lankan and Tibetan Buddhism in the contemporary world.

Biljana Ciric October 17, 2012
BV 340
ACM - Studio Visiting Speaker Series presents:
Biljana Ciric
Biljana Ciric (M.A, East China Normal University) was the director of the Curatorial Department at the Shanghai Duolun Museum of Modern Art and the China networking curator for the 2006 Singapore Biennale. She currently works as an independent curator based in Shanghai. For more information about this event, please contact Will Kwan (wkwan@utsc.utoronto.ca). The ACM Studio Visiting Speaker series is co-produced with the Doris McCarthy Gallery.

Eleanor King October 22, 2012
BV 340
ACM - Studio Visiting Speaker Series presents:
Eleanor King
Eleanor King presents installations and performances nationally and internationally, most notably at Nuit Blanche, Art Gallery of Nova Scotia, and Galleri F15 in Norway. She teaches media arts at NSCAD University and is Director at Anna Leonowens Gallery in Halifax. She is also currently shortlisted for the Sobey Art Award. For more information about this event, please contact Alexander Irving (airving@utsc.utoronto.ca). The ACM Studio Visiting Speaker series is co-produced with the Doris McCarthy Gallery.

Bageshree Vaze: Exploring South Asian Music and Dance October 23, 2012
AA 303
The World Rhythyms Performance Lecture Series presents:
Bageshree Vaze: Exploring South Asian Music and Dance
Bageshree Vaze is one of the most unique Indo-Canadian artists today. As a dancer and choreographer, she strives to create and present work that reflects her cultural influences and combines the richness of India's culture with a Canadian sensibility.

Rachmaninoff�s Preludes October 30, 2012
AA 303
The World Rhythyms Performance Lecture Series presents:
The Bells of Moscow: Rachmaninoff's Preludes

Featuring Brett Kingsbury on the piano performing Sergei Rachmaninoff's Thirteen Preludes and Prelude in C-sharp minor.
November 2012

The Secret of Cantonese Opera November 6, 2012
Leigha Lee
Browne Theatre
The World Rhythyms Performance Lecture Series presents:
The Secret of Cantonese Opera
Alice King Ying Chan and members of the Starlight Chinese Opera will conduct a workshop exploring Cantonese Opera. Through various mini performances, videos, and exercises, they will introduce various set and stage aesthetics while also highlighting the main types of roles and costumes.

Jonathan Shaughnessy November 15, 2012
AA 204
ACM - Studio Visiting Speaker Series presents:
Jonathan Shaughnessy
Jonathan Shaughnessy is Associate Curator, Contemporary Art at the National Gallery of Canada (NGC). Jonathan has worked with numerous Canadian and international artists and organized exhibitions that tour nationally. His current project at the NGC is Builders: Canadian Biennial 2012, an exhibition that showcases some of the most provocative and important art being made in this country today. The ACM Studio Visiting Speaker series is co-produced with the Doris McCarthy Gallery.

Journalism Event: Penny Park guest lecture November 19, 2012
AA 160
ACM - Journalism Speaker Series presents:
Curiosity, Doubt and Truth: What Journalism and Science Have in Common and Why they Need Each Other
Oil Sands, E coli, H1N1, Frankenstorm Sandy - increasingly journalists are called upon to cover stories with science at their core - stories that have major policy, economic and health implications. Yet most journalists have little science training or science knowledge. Scientists in Canada are well respected, but often reticent to engage with the media. What can be done to bring these two groups together to improve evidence based discussions in our community and in our country?

Made in China November 20, 2012
AA 303
The World Rhythyms Performance Lecture Series presents:
Made in China: Repackaging Traditional Chinese Music
A discussion on the westernization and modernization of traditional Chinese music and Chinese traditional instruments with Han Mei. This performance lecture is sponsored by The Canada Council for the Arts and the BC Arts Council.

VPMA/B/C90 Concert promotional November 24, 2012
AA 303
ACM - Music & Culture presents:
An Evening with The Domin8ers (A VPMC90 Class Concert)
Join us as an octet of talented students in Sasha Rapoport's VPMC90 Materials of Music class perform a free concert featuring original compositions. Admission is free and everyone is welcome to attend. Light refreshments will be served.

No Pre-set Exhibition November 27-30, 2012
Gallery 1265
ACM - Studio presents:
No Pre-set Exhibition
A free exhibition featuring new work by students enrolled in Alexander Irving's Advanced Seminar: Two-Dimensional Work class. An opening reception will be held on Wednesday, November 28 from 4pm to 6pm in Gallery 1265. All are welcome!

Mix56 Exhibition November 28, 2012
All day
3rd floor, AA Building
ACM - Studio presents:
A free exhibition featuring new work by students enrolled in Tanya Mars' Studio Practice class. An opening reception will be held on Wednesday, November 28 from 5pm to 7pm on the 3rd floor of the Arts & Administration Building. All are welcome!

Exchange Value Exhibition November 28, 2012
BV 340
ACM - Studio presents:
Exchange Value
A free exhibition featuring new work by students enrolled in Will Kwan's Theory & Practice: Art in a Globalizing World class. An opening reception will be held from 5pm to 7pm in BV 340 in the Bladen Wing. All are welcome!

TAPS Directors' Showcase November 29 to
December 1, 2012
Leigha Lee
Browne Theatre
ACM - Theatre & Performance Studies presents:
Directors' Showcase
Come and enjoy a series of short plays and individual scenes directed by the talented students in Paula Sperdakos' VPDC02H3 Directing for the Theatre class.

CPA: Making a Living, Making Art November 30, 2012
Doris McCarthy Gallery
Cultural Pluralism in the Arts presents:
Making a Living, Making Art
Join us for a free day of creativity and connection featuring guest speakers from the Scarborough Arts community. Learn how to maintain the balance between being an artist and making a living. For more information on the event, please contact Scarborough Arts at 416-698-7322.
December 2012

Sounds of the Season December 1, 2012
Meeting Place
ACM - Music & Culture presents:
Sounds of the Season
Come and fill your ears with music as the students in the UTSC Concert Choir and UTSC Concert Band along with the Alumni & Community Concert Band perform a selection of classical and contemporary repertoire. Seating is limited so please arrive early!

Small Ensemble Recital December 3, 2012
AA 303
ACM - Music & Culture presents:
Small Ensemble Recital
Enjoy a free concert featuring the talented students in Brett Kingsbury's VPMA/B/C69 Small Ensemble class. Seating is limited so please arrive early!
January 2013

Winter 2013

Winter Blues Festival box January 28, 2013 to February 1, 2013
UTSC Campus
Winter Blues Festival
Come and beat the winter blues with a week-long celebration of arts and culture at the °ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¿ª½±½Ó¿Ú. A wide-range of events are planned for this year's festival, including the 2nd Annual UTSC Piano & Guitar Competition, a spoken word/poetry jam, and performances by Evening Hymns and Sean Frey. For more information, please visit our Winter Blues Festival event page.

David R. Harper artist talk promo January 28, 2013
BV 340 ACM - Studio Visiting Artist Series presents:
David R. Harper
David R. Harper is interested in the form and idea of memorials, those markers that formalize links between memory and present experience. Within his works � embroidered prints and taxidermy-based sculptures � he refers to certain periods, modes of craft, and embellishment that articulate peculiar links to an �ordered� natural world. The ACM Studio Visiting Speaker series is co-produced with the Doris McCarthy Gallery.

Midi Onodera artist talk promo January 29, 2013
BV 340 Cultural Pluralism in the Arts presents:
Midi Onodera
Midi Onodera is an award-winning filmmaker who has been making films and videos for over thirty years. She has over twenty-five independent short films to her credit as well as a theatrical feature film and an abundance of short videos. In response to Midi's talk, Sinara Rozo-Perdomo and Jason Baerg will introduce their own interpretations and show some of the work they have brought to various Canadian audiences. This artist talk is part of the CPA - Exploring Interdisciplinarity & Cultural Pluralism in Media Arts Series at UTSC.

Small promotional for the Poetry Slam January 29, 2013
Leigha Lee
Browne Theatre

Poetry Slam
Two teams battle it out using poetry and spoken word. Following a short break, from 2pm to 3pm, noted poet, writer and motivational speaker Truth Is ... leads a free spoken word workshop.
Small promotional for Evening Hymns and Sean Frey's concert January 30, 2013

Leigha Lee
Browne Theatre
Evening Hymns and Sean Frey
Performing a collection of work originally commissioned by SummerWorks 2012, Evening Hymns and Sean Frey's concert will combine music and live projections and animation. A truly unique performance experience, they will take the audience on a musical and visual adventure as they explore the themes of loss, pain, and hope. Due to limited seating, all guests must RSVP online

Small promotional for the Piano & Guitar Competition January 31, 2013

AA 303
UTSC Piano & Guitar Competition - Competition Round
* Piano Categories: Open; RCM Grade 7-9 (or equivalent); RCM Grade 10/ARCT (or equivalent); Piano Duo/Duet
* Guitar Categories: Open Acoustic with/without vocals (e.g.: folk, songwriters); Classical (RCM or equivalent); Electric/Blues Guitar with/without band
February 2013

Small promotional for the Piano & Guitar Competition February 1, 2013
12PM - 1PM
AA 303
UTSC Piano & Guitar Competition - Winners' Showcase
Enjoy a free live musical performance featuring the winners of the 2nd Annual UTSC Piano & Guitar Competition along with members of the UTSC Music Ambassadors Program (UMAP).

Been a Long Time Comin' promotional February 4, 2013
Leigha Lee
Browne Theatre
Cultural Pluralism in the Arts presents:
Been a Long Time Comin' - Pluralism and the African Diasporic Aesthetic
Featuring KasheDance and the wind in the leaves collective, the performances intricately unearth the personal and historical journeys of the African diaspora. Following the performances, Kevin Ormsby, Amanda Paixao, and Charles Smith will engage with the audience in a reflective artist talk. Due to limited seating, all guests must RSVP online.

Performing Japanese Music in the Diaspora promotional February 25, 2013
AA 209
Cultural Pluralism in the Arts presents:
Performing Japanese Music in the Diaspora
Canadian-born Kiyoshi Nagata and Japanese-born Aki Takahashi, of the taiko group Nagata Shachu, will give a lecture-demonstration on Japanese taiko drumming and folk music in the North American diaspora. The discussion will focus on their own experiences of becoming musicians, the development of taiko groups both in the US and Canada, and general issues of authenticity and the reception of their music among North American audiences of Japanese and non-Japanese descent.
March 2013

Leesa Streifler artist talk promotional March 6, 2013
AA 304
ACM - Studio Visiting Speaker Series presents:
Leesa Streifler
An artist and Professor in the Visual Arts Dept. at the University of Regina, Saskatchewan, Leesa Streifler will speak about her feminist practice: drawing, painting and photography focused on the body and resistance to normative constructions of the feminine. She will specifically address agency as it pertains to mothering, body and aging. The ACM Studio Visiting Speaker series is co-produced with the Doris McCarthy Gallery.

The Atomic Cafe promotional March 6, 2013
SY 110
History on Film presents:
The Atomic Cafe
An unsettling, hilarious, and astonishing documentary about the threat of nuclear weapons in the early Cold War. Featuring real footage such as the infamous Duck and Cover civil defense film. Produced by Jayne Loader, Kevin Rafferty, and Pierce Rafferty.

Digital Humanities Conference promotional March 11, 2013
AA 160
Re-imagining Scholarly Communication: Second Town Hall Meeting
Kathleen Fitzpatrick (Director of Scholarly Communication, Modern Language Association): "Peer-to-Peer Review and Networked Scholarly Communication"
Stefan Sinclair (Vice President, Canadian Society for Digital Humanities): "Own the Podium: Canadian-Style Digital Humanities"

An open discussion will follow the presentations. Please join us for the conversation and a light lunch.
Patty Chang artist talk promotional March 12, 2013
BV 340

Cultural Pluralism in the Arts presents:
Patty Chang
Featuring a screening and artist talk by the renowned Brooklyn-based video and performance artist Patty Chang, followed by reflections on her work by respondents Gina Badger and Shaka Likorish. This artist talk is part of the CPA - Exploring Interdisciplinarity & Cultural Pluralism in Media Arts Series at UTSC.

Die Schone Mullerin promotional March 12, 2013
AA 303
The World Rhythyms Performance Lecture Series presents:
Die schone Mullerin
UTSC's Lenard Whiting and Brett Kingsbury perform Franz Schubert's Die schone Mullerin ("The Lovely Mill Maiden"), an epic song cycle that tells the story of a young man who wanders along a small stream and falls in love with a mill owner's daughter. Due to limited seating, all guests must RSVP online.

Henrique Cazes promotional March 13, 2013
AA 303
The World Rhythyms Performance Lecture Series presents:
Cazes, Cavaquinho, and Choro: An evening of Brazilian Instrumental Music
Henrique Cazes, the University of Toronto Faculty of Music's World Music Artist-in-Residence for the Winter 2013 term, will present an evening of original arrangements of classic choro compositions along with a few surprises, including music from his "Beatles 'n' Choro" project. Due to limited seating, all guests must RSVP online.

Women of Troy promotional March 14 - 16 and March 21 - 23, 2013
Leigha Lee
Browne Theatre
ACM - Theatre and Performance Studies presents:
The Women of Troy (by Euripides, version by Don Taylor)
When a man sacks a town and destroys everything, he's asking for trouble. The same destruction, sooner or later, will fall on his own head. Directed by Paula Sperdakos and featuring UTSC's senior Theatre & Performance Studies students. Tickets for all performances are SOLD OUT!!

Solo & Ensemble Recital promotional March 20, 2013
AA 303 ACM - Music & Culture presents:
Solo & Ensemble Recital
Join us for a free concert featuring UTSC Concert Band members performing in small music ensembles.

End of Year Student Exhibition promotional March 21, 2013
Meeting Place
ACM - Studio presents:
End of Year Student Exhibition
The Department of Arts, Culture and Media's Studio students present their work in a special end of year juried studio exhibition. Artwork will be installed in Gallery 1265, BV 340, SY 105, and throughout the 3rd floor of the Arts & Administration building. Jury members: Rachel MacFarlane, Peter Bowyer, and Amy Wilson

CBSO & UTSC Concert Choir Choral Concert promotional March 23, 2013
St. Timothy's
Anglican Church
4125 Sheppard Ave. E. Cathedral Bluffs Symphony Orchestra and the UTSC Concert Choir present:
Choral Concert
Featuring the UTSC Concert Choir and members of the Cathedral Bluffs Symphony Orchestra with Norman Reintamm and Brett Kingsbury (piano soloists). Tickets are $20 and are only available at the door (no advance sales). For more information, please call 416-879-5566.

Bernie Lubell artist talk promotional March 27, 2013
BV 340
ACM - Studio Visiting Speaker Series presents:
Bernie Lubell
San Francisco-based artist Bernie Lubell's interactive installations have evolved from his studies in both psychology and engineering. Works include a phone booth-confessional communications network, simulations of the human heart and brain, and a cooperative knitting machine. As participants play with his whimsical wood machines, they become actors in a theatre of their own imagining. The ACM Studio Visiting Speaker series is co-produced with the Doris McCarthy Gallery.
April 2013

Helley Peterson Student Art Exhibition promotional April 2-13, 2013
University of Toronto Art Centre
The University of Toronto Art Centre presents:
The Shelley Peterson Student Art Exhibition
In an exhibition curated by Andrea Dixon, Meaghan Eldridge, Anne Ahrens-Embleton and Danielle Megaffin, the Department of Arts, Culture and Media's Studio students present their work in The Shelley Peterson Student Art Exhibition (formerly the Chancellor's Exhibition) at the University of Toronto Art Centre from April 2nd to 13th, 2013.

Transcend launch event promotional April 5, 2013
(IC Building)
ACM - Arts Management presents:
Transcend - eMagazine launch
Transcend is an eMagazine project that will be launched on April 5th by the Senior Seminar: Arts Management Class of 2013 (UTSC). Join us at the launch party for the eMagazine and mingle with Arts, Culture and Media (ACM) students and alumni, faculty members, and professionals. Admission is free and open to everyone. For more information, visit the Transcend Facebook page or website.

Spring Awakening promotional April 7, 2013
Meeting Place
ACM - Music & Culture presents:
Spring Awakening
Come and fill your ears with music as the students in the UTSC Concert Choir and UTSC Concert Band along with the Alumni & Community Concert Band perform a selection of classical and contemporary repertoire. Seating is limited so please arrive early!

Small Ensemble Recital promotional April 8, 2013
AA 303 ACM - Music & Culture presents:
Small Ensemble Recital
Enjoy a free concert featuring the talented students in Brett Kingsbury's VPMA/B/C69 Small Ensemble class. Seating is limited so please arrive early!

Annual Off Campus Exhibition promotional April 9-10, 2013
Gallery 345

ACM - Studio presents:
Mom, Tell Me That You Love It
The Department of Arts, Culture and Media's senior Studio students present their work in an off-campus exhibition at Gallery 345 and foundary. The opening reception will be held on April 9 from 3:30-6pm at Gallery 345 and from 6-8:30pm at foundry. For more information, visit the Facebook event page.

TLKY Between Buddhism and Science, Between Mind and Body lecture promotional April 12, 2013
Instructional Centre
(IC) Building
The Tung Lin Kok Yuen Perspectives on Buddhist Thought and Culture presents:
Between Buddhism and Science, Between Mind and Body
Given by Dr. Geoffrey Samuel, the 2012-13 TLKY Visiting Professor in Buddhist Studies, this free public lecture asks how far Buddhism is really compatible with Western science. A free shuttle bus will depart from Hart House Circle at 4PM and will return downtown after the lecture at 7PM. To RSVP for the lecture and/or shuttle bus, please click here or email aep@utsc.utoronto.ca.
UTSC & OBA Chamber Music Festival promotional April 16-18, 2013
Leigha Lee
Browne Theatre
The °ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¿ª½±½Ó¿Ú and the Ontario Band Association present:
The 4th Annual UTSC & OBA Chamber Music Festival
For more information or to register, please visit the Ontario Band Association website.

Summer 2013

Summer Patio Concert promotional image July 25, 2013
H-Wing Patio
Arts & Events Programming presents:
Summer Patio Concert
Featuring performances by the Alumni & Community Concert Band and Alumni & Community Concert Choir. Note: in case of inclement weather, concert will take place in Room AC223 in the Academic Resource Centre.

Chamber Music Recital promotional image August 1, 2013
AA 303
ACM - Music presents:
Chamber Music Recital
Featuring performances by the students enrolled in the VPMA/B/C69 - Small Ensemble course.