
Public Lecture by Dr. Sylvanus Kwashie Kuwor

Dr. Sylvanus Kwashie Kuwor

On Wednesday, March 15, SoundLife Scarborough will welcome Dr. Sylvanus Kwashie Kuwor to ACM for a public lecture and a hand-drumming workshop.

Dr. Kuwor is a master drummer, music, dance and theatre practitioner/scholar who lectures at the University of Ghana, Legon. He worked as a cultural educator in Britain for a decade, using African drum music and dance in inclusion programmes aimed at integrating African refugees into mainstream society. 

Public Lecture, 9:30am, AA303:   “Music and dance tradition as the repository of African knowledge: Perspectives from Ghana”  

Hand-Drumming Workshop, 1-2pm, AA303. All are welcome and drums are provided.

Workshop on Community Music, 2:10pm, AA303: “African life is music: The Ghanaian Perspective”