
Nicole Tang 鈥 Encapsulated memories

Nicole Tang

Watch Nicole Tang's research presentation .

Nicole Tang
4th year
Programs: Studio Art Specialist

I am Nicole Tang, a third-year student pursuing Specialist program in Studio Art. Ever since I was a kid, I loved using my imagination and applied it to my art. Much to my parent's dismay, I loved buying every color of pencils I can get hold of and used to draw on any surface I could find. I believe that art has no boundaries; and holds the power to bring everyone together speaking the common language of art. I create art to express myself and cannot wait to see where this takes me!

COVID-19 has penetrated our lives without a single warning; and has impacted all aspects of our lives. Meeting and hugging friends and family, a task that once seemed as simple as yawning, has now become difficult to imagine. Schools and meetings can only do online, and travel plans have been paused with little to no idea as to when 鈥渘ormal鈥 life will resume. 

Much like everyone else, I had a hard time adapting to the new norm and learning the new rules of engagement. I was constantly plagued with fear for my family's safety and what that mean for their mental wellbeing. It was around this time that I started creating artwork that expressed my feelings and captured my journey through 2020. Using my art as a media, my video highlights the four stages of 2020 as I experienced them.