
New Media Oral Presentation Skills Workshops

New Media Oral Presentation Skills Workshops

In this series of three lunchtime workshops, learn and practice the skills and strategies New Media students need to confidently express their ideas during class discussions and presentations. Learn by doing through fun and engaging oral communication activities with New Media peers. Pizza lunch and drinks will be provided.

Dates and Topics:

March 9, 12-1pm – Participating During In-Class Discussions
Do you ever wonder how to share your ideas during discussions? In this session you will learn and practice strategies to engage in discussions without fear.

March 23, 12-1pm - Developing a Story Arc in Oral Presentations
In this session, you will learn how to apply a story arc to oral presentations to organize your ideas into an engaging presentation.

March 30, 12- 1pm - Presenting Critiques and Pitches in New Media
Not sure how to pitch your ideas? Learn strategies for pitches and critiques by using your authentic personality together with storytelling for success.

These sessions are geared towards New Media Studies students, but all ACM students are welcome to sign up.

Location: AA303

Capacity: 20 participants

Register on 

Facilitators: Dr. Michele Irwin and Dr. Xiangying Huo, from the Centre for Teaching and Learning, provide English Language development skills and communication skills workshops to support student confidence, skill, and well-being.