
Myuri Srikugan – Evolving Self-Expression through Art

Myuri Srikugan


Before turning to art I found it difficult to express myself in everyday circumstances towards individuals I want to share my vulnerability with. Authenticity is something that I used to attempt to drift away from as fitting in seemed the most ideal. Through struggles faced within myself and among the communities I’ve witnessed growing up, I find meaning and purpose through expression with art. I’ve always admired how video can capture moments in time and find it to be one of my primary mediums when creating art. Through various combinations of mediums such as performance, poetry, and video, I bring awareness to internal and external struggles I have experienced or witnessed. The various art projects I have created at UTSC have grown a great deal in personal meaning with the help of my professors and classmates. Through my presentation, I will show my personal growth conceptually and emotionally in the creation of art and the healing effects it has left on me.  



Myuri Srikugan is a fourth-year student studying a double major in Studio Art and Human Biology, and a minor in Environmental Science. She is an interdisciplinary artist, with work primarily focused on video making.  She is on a constant adventure of self-discovery while addressing issues within and surrounding her. She finds interest in trying different mediums and attempting new forms of self-expression, while also developing and strengthening current forms of self-expression. She believes that learning is a lifelong journey, and when coupled with art the possibilities are limitless.