
Just Drum It

Just Drum It!

Join us for the weekly hand-drumming sessions starting on Wednesday, January 18 in the Arts and Administrative building in Room AA303 (campus map). All are welcome to this drop-in session, open to UTSC community and the public! 

Steps to sign up: Log in to  > Events and Workshops > UTSC Scarborough > Arts, Culture and Media > Event on calendar

Public members do not need to sign up. Questions? Please contact soundlife.utsc@utoronto.ca.

Soundlife Scarborough (SLS) is the centre for music and community engagement at the University of Toronto Scaborough. Our projects foster healthy communities through participatory music-making; support community partnerships and community-engaged research excellence grounded in the principle of reciprocity; and inspire students in developing creative, flexible, and participatory approaches to music-making as a lifelong practice.