
Forum: The INKE Partnership for Networked Open Social Scholarship

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Forum: The INKE Partnership for Networked Open Social Scholarship
Thursday September 8th, 11am-2pm
Council Chamber (AA160), 澳门六合彩开奖接口
| #INKEforum


The INKE Partnership is a collective of researchers and partners who are concerned with networked open social scholarship and the future of scholarly communication in the digital age. Networked open social scholarship involves creating and disseminating research and research technologies to a broad, interdisciplinary audience of specialists and non-specialists in ways that are both accessible and significant. It builds on a foundation of digital scholarship, social knowledge creation, open access, and digital humanities. On Thursday September 8th we will discuss the broader scope of networked open social scholarship. We will also consider the following questions within this context: what are the best ways to how to mobilize knowledge across researchers and fields, and between academia, the public, and other invested stakeholders? What implications for policy implementation do open knowledge practices have? Which alternative modes or methods need to be developed or employed for effective open social scholarship? How can we develop initiatives collaboratively to best serve these ends?

Please join us for what is sure to be a stimulating day of presentations and discussions.


Schedule      (click on the presenter's name to access a video of the talk)
11.00am to 11.45am: Keynote lecture & discussion
Chair: Susan Brown (U Guelph)
         1.  (U Saskatchewan), 鈥淣etworking Networks of Networked Open Social Scholarship: Potential Futures for Online Scholarly Work鈥

11.45am to 12.45pm (Lunch provided): Panel 1, Knowledge Mobilization and Alternative Modes &Methods
Chair: Rebecca Dowson (Simon Fraser U)
        2. (Simon Fraser U), 鈥淥penism and the Open Agenda鈥
        3.  (U Victoria), 鈥淜nowledge Mobilization and Open Social Scholarship鈥
        4.  (King鈥檚 College London) 鈥淐ooperative Creation of Federated Digital Resources鈥
        5.  (Acadia U), 鈥淐onfronting Complexity, Integrating Data and Engaging Publics鈥

12.45pm to 1.00pm: Break

1.00pm to 2.00pm: Panel 2, Policy Engagement and Collaborative Development
Chair: Lisa Goddard (U Victoria)
        6.  (U Montr茅al), 鈥淥pen Platform for Public Engagement鈥
        7.  (Canadian Research Knowledge Network), 鈥淐ollaborations in the Digital Scholarly Ecosystem鈥
        8.  (U Toronto-Scarborough), 鈥淎ligning Funding Policies to Foster Open Scholarship鈥
        9.  (IIT Institute of Design), 鈥淐ollaborating on the Show Before the Show鈥 (with Jennifer Roberts-Smith, Joao Ricardo Bruning Alves, Yasmin Galdino Lins De Moura, Filipe Artur Honorato Ferreira De Souza, and Ruanivalson Santos E.
       10. (Penn State Eerie, Behrend C), 鈥淒eveloping the Social Knowledge Timeline鈥

This forum is open to the public and free of charge, and is hosted by the Department of Arts, Culture and Media at the 澳门六合彩开奖接口. We are very grateful to our sponsors for this event: the Department of Arts, Culture and Media at the 澳门六合彩开奖接口; Iter: Gateway to the Middle Ages and Renaissance, the Department of Historical & Cultural Studies, 澳门六合彩开奖接口; the UTSC Library; and the Institute of Communication, Culture, Information and Technology, University of Toronto Mississauga. This forum is organized by William R. Bowen, Ray Siemens, and Alyssa Arbuckle. Please contact us with any questions!

William Bowen william.bowen@utoronto.ca; Alyssa Arbuckle alyssaa@uvic.ca; Ray Siemens siemens@uvic.ca