
Elisa Patel – Muscovite Baroque Period: Moscow 17th -18th c.

Elisa Patel

Watch Elisa Patel's research presentation .

Elisa Patel
4th year
Political Science Major, Art History and Philosophy Minor   

My name is Elisa Kiran Patel, and I am a fourth-year student majoring in Political Science and minoring in both art history and philosophy. I am of European and Hindu descent. I am fascinated by travel and tourism to enhance my knowledge on international relations and the evolution of art forms. In addition, I am guilty of having a massive collection of books and art supplies that find their way into every living space. My most invested hobbies are yoga, graphic designing and interior decorating.

Muscovite…The capital Moscow was called former to its present title. Muscovite Baroque (shortened to Muscovite) represents the country in its historical context and dominant Baroque art style. During the early 17th century known as Smutnoe Vremya, Time of Troubles in Moscow, the city was overcome by much upheaval that left an impact on its ability to stand as the capital of Russia. Nonetheless, artisans, artists and labourers, some known and many unknown, continued to produce skilled works. Through my presentation, I aim to highlight the Muscovite Baroque art style using a chronological collection of maps, architecture, food and clothing as a frame of reference. The inspiration for my StoryMaps project on Moscow came from my interest of Russia before travelling to the country. My previous trip to Turkey in 2019 illuminated the idea that there is in fact overlap between distant places or those not so distant. Turkey and Russia visibly share an overlap in culture, architecture and rich colours that adorn tapestry or design. I believe a course that illuminates these types of connections is much needed to compliment the array of resources available to us.