
Chloe Kouyoumdjian - The Art of Curiosity

Chloe Kouyoumdjian


In the genetic makeup of human beings, emotions are shown in many aspects of life- from survival instincts to a form of communication when there is a lack of words. As the years have gone by, more and more research has been done on what is instinctual to us and what has helped us to develop through time. One emotion that has been the most intriguing to me and that I always observe in others has been the emotion that I find the most complex. 

Having done so many different forms of art, I have been able to capture many different feelings in my artworks as well as elicit certain targeted reactions out of my audience. It was never easy, however, and it’s not as simple as it sounds. Yet one emotion has always been able to peek through the cracks. It was this revelation that caused me to create an artwork that's sole purpose is to elicit this emotion alone and leave my audience with more questions than when they walked in. If my abstract leaves you curious and wondering what emotion I’m talking about or what is the artwork I created, help yourself to my symposium talk…


Chloe Kouyoumdjian is a fourth-year student studying a double major in Studio Art and Psychology. Starting as a pastime activity growing up, art became a part of Chloe’s identity as she started pursuing it in any capacity possible. She practices art in a wide variety of media ranging from drawing, painting to sculpture, and animation. 

Taking a precise approach to all artworks, Chloe starts each piece by devoting herself wholeheartedly to the process. She considers art as a means to express herself and is forever open to the growth that comes with conceptualizing and producing art.