
ACM Writing Circle

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ACM Writing Circle

Date: Thu., Oct. 28 & Thu., Nov. 25
Time: 12:00-1:00PM EST
Location: Zoom

We believe that all of us have a responsibility towards building a space where all bodies can belong. Integral to this is that we take the time to listen, and learn from different perspectives. And that we engage in transformational self-reflection that allows for positive change to take place. 

The ACM Writing Circle, provides an opportunity for us to come together and to engage in monthly expressive writing exercises that honor, and celebrate our experiences, identities, and stories. Each session, we will use an EDI (Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion) themed prompt to guide our writing. The prompts would be of a varied media - an excerpt from a book, or a media article, or simply a visual. We will then share (if one if comfortable) our thoughts and stories with the group, and open the floor for a conversation. 

Please sign up for the ACM Writing Circle on , and we look forward to writing together!