Publications in Books and Refereed Journals

Jl. Howard, K.W.F. and Lloyd, J.W. 1979. The sensitivity of parameters in the Penman Evaporation equations and direct recharge balance. Journal of Hydrology, 41, 329-344.

J2. Lloyd, J.W., Howard, K.W.F., Pacey, N.R. and Tellam, J.H. 1982. The value of iodide as a parameter in the chemical characterization of groundwater. Journal of Hydrology 57, 247-265.

J3. Rushton, K.R. and Howard, K.W.F. 1982. The unreliability of open observation boreholes in unconfined aquifer pumping tests. Ground Water 20, 546-550.

J4. Howard, K.W.F. and Lloyd, J.W. 1983. Major ion chemical characterization of coastal saline groundwaters. Ground Water, 21,429-437.

J5. Eyles, N., Clark, B.M., Kaye, B.G., Howard, K.W.F. and Eyles, C.H. 1985. The application of basin analysis techniques to glaciated basins; an example from the Lake Ontario basin, Canada. Geoscience Canada 12, 22-32.

J6. Howard, K.W.F. 1985. A multi-stage model for the development of hydrochemical zonation in Chalk groundwaters. Ground Water 23(l), 4-9.

J7. Howard, K.W.F. 1985. Denitrification in a limestone aquifer. Journal of Hydrology, 76, 265-280.

J8. Howard, K.W.F. 1985. An approach to recognising low level contamination of groundwaters in shallow sedimentary aquifers. Water Pollution Research Journal of Canada 20, No. 2, 1-11.

J9. Howard, K.W.F. and Beck, P. 1986. Hydrochemical interpretation of groundwater flow systems in Quaternary sediments of Southern Ontario. Can. J. Earth Sci. 23, 938-947.

J10. Howard, K.W.F. and Falck, H. 1986. Interrelationships of land use, soil conditions and groundwater contamination near Lindsay, Ontario. Canadian Water Resources Journal 11, no. 1, 111-125.

J11. Howard, K.W.F. 1986. The influence of fissuring on saline incursion in a limestone aquifer as revealed by fluid logging. In Killeen, J.G. (ed.) Borehole Geophysics for Mining and Technical Applications. Geological Survey of Canada Paper 85-27, 217-225.

J12. Howard, K.W.F. 1986. The use of geochemistry and borehole geophysics in defining upper and lower boundaries of fissured aquifer systems. In Gunay, G. and Johnson, A.I. (eds.) Karst Water Resources. International Association of Hydrology Publication No. 161, 233-248.

J13. Howard, K.W.F. 1987. Beneficial aspects of sea water intrusion. Groundwater 25(4), 398-406.

J14. Pilon P. and Howard, K.W.F. 1987. Contamination of sub-surface waters by road de-icing chemicals. Water Pollution Research Journal of Canada 22(1), 157-171.

J15. Taylor, S.R. and K.W.F. Howard. 1987. A field study of scale-dependent dispersion in a sandy aquifer. J. of Hydrology 90, 11-17.

J16. Taylor, S.R., G.L. Moltyaner, K.W.F. Howard and R.W.D. Killey. 1987. A field ex­amination of empirically derived relationships between flow and transport parameters. Groundwater 25(3), 321-330.

J17. Eyles, N. and Howard, K.W.F. 1988 . Urban landsliding caused by heavy rain; geochemical identification of recharge waters along Scarborough Bluffs, Toronto, Ontario. Canadian Geotechnical Journal 25, 455-466.

J18. Martin, J.E., Howard, K.W.F. and King, L.W. (1988). Environmental behavior of

14 C-tagged polyacrylate polymer: Column studies of flow and retardation in sand. Nuclear and Chemical Waste Management 7, 265-271.

J19. Martin, J.E., Howard, K.W.F. and King, L.W. (1988). Environmental behavior of

J14 C-tagged polyacrylate polymer: Flow tank studies of retention in sand. Nuclear and Chemical Waste Management 7, 273-280.

J20. Howard, K.W.F. and Taylor, S.R., (1988). Reply to Comment by Guven, O. and Molz, F.J., on 'A field study of scale-dependent dispersion in a sandy aquifer. J. of Hydrology 90, 11-17'. J. of Hydrology 101, 359-365.

J21. Howard, K.W.F.,1990. The role of well logging in contaminant transport studies. In Ward, S., Geotechnical and Environmental Geophysics. Spec. SEG Volume 2. 200-218.

J22. Howard, K.W.F., 1990. Geophysical well logging methods for the characterization of fractures in hard rocks. In Ward, S., Geotechnical and Environmental Geophysics. Spec. SEG Volume 1, 295-315.

J23. Howard, K.W.F., 1990. Development and management of fossil groundwater resources for the purposes of drought mitigation. In Paepe, R., Fairbridge, R.W., and Jelgersma, S. (eds.) Greenhouse Effect, Sea Level and Drought. NATO ASI Series. Series C. Mathematical and Physi­cal Sciences, No.325, 495-512.

J24. Evans, D., Lloyd, J.W. and Howard, K.W.F., 1991. A study of saline intrusion and the influence of groundwater management in the Lincolnshire Chalk. In de Breuk, W. (ed.), Hydrogeology of Salt Water Intrusion. Int. Contributions to Hydrogeology (IAH) 11, 79-94.

J25. Howard, K.W.F. and Young, R., 1992. Urban Geology: An Introduction. Geoscience Canada 19, No.2, p49.

J26. Charlesworth, D., Howard, K.W.F., and Nadon, R. 1992. An innovative use of groundwater sampling equipment to determine aquifer characteristics in pre-Cambrian basement rocks of Uganda. Quarterly Journal Engng. Geol. (QJEG) 25, 165-168.

J27. Howard, K.W.F., Hughes, M., Charlesworth, D.L., and Ngobi, G. 1992 Hydrogeologic evaluation of fracture permeability in crystalline basement aquifers of Uganda. Journal of Applied Hydrogeology 1, 55-65.

J28. Howard, K.W.F. and Karundu, J., 1992. Constraints on the development of basement aquifers in east Africa - water balance implications and the role of the regolith. Journal of Hydrol­ogy 139, 183-196.

J29. Howard, K.W.F. and Haynes, J., 1993. Groundwater contamination due to road de-icing chemicals - salt balance implications. Geoscience Canada 20, No.1, 1-8.

J30. Howard, K.W.F. and Beck, P.J., 1993. Hydrogeochemical implications of groundwater contamination by road de-icing chemicals. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 12 (3), 245-268.

J31. Howard, K.W.F., J.I. Boyce, S. Livingstone and S.L. Salvatori, 1993. Road salt impacts on groundwater quality - the worst is yet to come! GSA Today vol. 3, No. 12, 301-321.

J32. Taylor, R. and Howard, K.W.F., 1994. Groundwater Quality in rural Uganda: hydrochemical considerations for the development of aquifers within the basement of Africa. In: Groundwater Quality. Association of Geoscientists for International Development (AGID) Special Publication Series No. 17, Part 1. No.3, 31-44.

J33. MacRitchie, S M., Pupp, C., Grove, G. Howard, K.W.F. and Lapcevic, P., 1994. Groundwater in Ontario, hydrogeology, quality concerns, management. National Hydrology Research Institute (NHRI) Contribution No. CS-94011, Nov. 1994. Environment Canada Publicn. 117 pp.

J34. Howard, K.W.F., Eyles, N., Smart, P.J., Boyce, J.I., Gerber, R.E., Salvatori, S. and Doughty, M. 1995. The Oak Ridges Moraine of southern Ontario: A groundwater resource at risk. Geoscience Canada 22, 101-120.

J35. MacRitchie, S. and Howard, K.W.F. (1996 submitted). Pumping-temperature test method for detecting high permeability fractures. Hydrogeology Journal. (in review).

J36. Howard, K.W.F. (1997) Impacts of Urban Development on Groundwater. In: Eyles, E. (ed.) Environmental Geology of Urban Areas. Special Publication of the Geological Association of Canada. Geotext #3. 93-104.

J37. Howard, K.W.F. and Livingstone, S., (1997). Contaminant source audits and ground-water quality assessment. In: Eyles, E. (ed.) Environmental Geology of Urban Areas. Special Publication of the Geological Association of Canada. Geotext #3, 105-118.

J38. Gerber, R.E. and Howard, K.W.F. (1997) Ground-water recharge to the Oak Ridges Moraine. In: Eyles, E. (ed.) Environmental Geology of Urban Areas. Special Publication of the Geological Association of Canada. Geotext #3, 173 - 192.

J39. Howard, K.W.F. and Haynes, J., (1997) Contamination of urban groundwater by road de-icing chemicals. In: Eyles, E. (ed.) Environmental Geology of Urban Areas. Special Publication of the Geological Association of Canada. Geotext #3, 145-152.

J40. Ghassemi, F., Jakeman, A.J., Jacobson, G. and Howard, K.W.F. 1996. Simulation of seawater intrusion with 2D and 3D models: Nauru Island case study. Hydrogeology Journal 4, no. 3, 4-22.

J41. Howard K.W.F. and Livingstone, S.J. (1997, revisions in progress). Transport of urban contaminants into Lake Ontario via ground-water pathways. Ground Water.

J42. MacRitchie, S. and Howard, K.W.F. (1996, accepted, subject to revision). Digital bandpass filtering of temperature logs from shallow boreholes to isolate convection cell temperature oscillations. Journal of Hydrology.

J43. Howard, K.W.F., Eyles, N. and Livingstone, S., 1996. Municipal Landfilling Practice and its impact on groundwater resources in and around urban Toronto. Hydrogeology Journal 4, no. 1, 64-79.

J44. Ghassemi, F., Howard, K.W.F. and Jakeman, A.J., 1997. Saltwater intrusion in coastal aquifers and its numerical modelling. In: Environmental Modelling Volume 3, 299-328.

J45. Taylor, R. and Howard, K.W.F. 1998. Dynamics of ground water flow in the regolith of Uganda. International Contributions to Hydrogeology (IAH) vol.18. 97-114

J46. Howard K.W.F. and Mullings, E. 1996. Hydrochemical analysis of groundwater flow and saline incursion in the Clarendon Basin, Jamaica. Ground Water 34, 801-810.

J47. Taylor, R. and Howard, K.W.F.,1996. Groundwater recharge in the Victoria Nile basin of east Africa: support for the soil moisture balance approach to recharge assessment using isotope and modelling techniques. Journal of Hydrology 180, 31-53.

J48. Fraser, B., Howard, K.W.F. and Williams, D.D., 1996. Monitoring biotic and abiotic processes across the hyporheic/groundwater interface. Hydrogeology Journal 4, no. 2, 36-50.

J49. Gerber, R.E. and Howard, K.W.F.,1996. Evidence for recent groundwater flow through Late Wisconsinan till near Toronto, Canada. Canadian Geotechnical Journal 33, 538-555.

J50. Howard, K.W.F., Eyles, N., Smart, P.J., Boyce, J.I., Gerber, R.E., Salvatori, S. and Doughty, M. 1997. The Oak Ridges Moraine of southern Ontario: A groundwater resource at risk. In: Eyles, E. (ed.) Environmental Geology of Urban Areas. Special Publication of the Geological Association of Canada. Geotext #3, 153-172.

J51 Taylor R.G. and Howard, K.W.F. 1998. Post-Palaeozoic evolution of weathered landsurfaces in Uganda by tectonically controlled deep weathering and stripping. Geomorphology,v.25(3-4), pp. 173-192.

J52 Howard, K.W.F. and R.E. Gerber, 1997. Do tills beneath urban Toronto provide adequate groundwater protection? In: Chilton J. et al., Groundwater in the Urban Environment . AA Balkema, Rotterdam Vol 1. 433-438.

J53 Howard, K.W.F. (1997) Incorporating policies for groundwater protection into the urban planning process. In: Chilton J. et al., Groundwater in the Urban Environment . A.A. Balkema, Rotterdam Vol 1. 31-40.

J54 Howard K.W.F. (1997) Professional registration of geoscientists - threatening the future of Geoscience in Canada. Geoscience Canada 24, no. 4, 199-202.

J55 Taylor R.G. and Howard, K.W.F., 1999. Lithological evidence for the evolution of weathered mantles in Uganda by tectonically controlled cycles of deep weathering and stripping. Catena v. 35, no. 1, 65-94.

J56. Howard, K.W.F., and Taylor, L.C., 1998. Hydrogeochemistry of springs in urban Toronto. In: Van Brahana, J. et al., 1998. Gambling with Groundwater - Physical Chemical and Biological Aspects of Aquifer-Stream Relations Vol. 1, 639-644.

J57. Howard K.W.F., 1998. Reply to: Gordon D. Williams - Professional Registration of Geoscientists. Geoscience Canada 25, no. 3, 142-143.

J58. Taylor , R . and Howard, K.W.F., 1999. The influence of tectonic setting on the hydrological characteristics of deeply weathered terrains: Evidence from Uganda. Journal of Hydrology 218, 1-2, 44-71.

J59. Westgate, J.A., von Bitter, P.H., Eyles, N. McAndrews, J.H. and Timmer, V. and Howard, K.W.F., 1999. The Physical Setting: A story of changing environments through time.. In: Roots, B.I., Chant, D.A., and Heidenreich, C.E. (Eds.) Special Places - The changing ecosystems of the Toronto region. UBC Press, Vancouver, 11-32.

J60. Gerber, R.E. and Howard, K.W.F., 2000. Recharge through a regional till aquitard: 3-D flow model water balance approach. Ground Water vol. 38, #3, 410-422.

J61.Ghassemi, Alam, K and Howard, K.W.F., 2000. Freshwater lenses and practical limitations of their three-dimensional simulation. Hydrogeology Journal 8, 521-537

J62. Taylor, R.E. and Howard, K.W.F., 2000.A tectono- geomorphic model of the hydrogeology of deeply weathered crystalline rock: evidence from Uganda.Hydrogeology Journal vol. 8, no. 3, 279-294.

J63 Gerber R.E., Boyce J. and Howard, K.W.F., 2000. Evaluation of heterogeneity and field-scale groundwater flow regime in a leaky till aquitard. Hydrogeology Journal Vol. 9, 60-78.

J64 Gerber R.E. and Howard, K.W.F., 2002. Hydrogeology of the Oak Ridges Moraine aquifer system: implications for protection and management from the Duffins Creek watershed. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences (CJES) 39, 1333-1348.

J65 Howard K.W.F. and Livingstone, S.J., 2000 Transport of urban contaminants into Lake Ontario via sub-surface flow.Urban Water 2, 183-195.

J66 Radke , L.C., Howard, K.W.F. and Gell, P., 2002 Chemical diversity in southeastern Australian saline Lakes I: Geochemical causes. Marine and Freshwater Research 53. 941-959.

J67 - Storey R.G., Howard, K.W.F., D.D. Williams. 2003. A three-dimensional transient groundwater flow model for the hyporheic zone of a gravel-bed stream. Water Resources Research.v.39, no.2, 1034, doi:10.1029/2002WR001367,2003

J68 - Howard, K.W.F. & Israfilov, R. (eds.). 2002 Current problems of hydrogeology in urban areas, urban agglomerates and industrial centres . NATO Science Series: IV Earth and Environmental Sciences 8, 504 pp. Kluwer.

J69 - Howard, K.W.F, 2002. Urban groundwater is sues - an introduction. In Howard, K.W.F. & Israfilov, R. (eds.) 2002. Current problems of hydrogeology in urban areas, urban agglomerates and industrial centres . NATO Science Series IV Earth and Environmental Sciences vol. 8, 1-15.

J70 - Howard K.W.F. and Gelo, K., 2002 Intensive Groundwater Use in Urban Areas: the Case of Megacities. In: Llamas, R. and Custodio, E.(eds.) Intensive use of groundwater: Challenges and Opportunities (publishers: Balkema)35-58.

J71. Radke L.C. and Howard, K.W.F. 2007. Influence of groundwater on the evaporative evolution of saline lakes in the Wimmera of south-eastern Australia. Hydrobiologia 591:185–205.

J72 - Howard. K.W.F., 2004. Approaches to the evaluation and protection of groundwater and surface water in situations with competing regional uses. In Teaf, C. et al., (eds.) . Risk Assessment as a Tool for Environmental Decision-Making in Central Asia NATO Science Series IV Earth and Environmental Sciences Vol. 34. 87-112.

J73 - Howard, K.W.F. 2003. Bacteria transmission in fissured carbonates - fatal consequences in Walkerton, Ontario. UNESCO IHP-VI Series on Groundwater, 347-348.

J74 - Howard, K.W.F., S.D. Di Biase , J. Thompson, H. Maier, and J. van Egmond. 2007. Stormwater infiltration technologies for augmenting recharge in urban areas. In: Howard, K.W.F. (ed.) 2007. Urban Groundwater – Meeting the Challenge IAH-SP Series, Volume 8. Taylor & Francis, 175-188.

J75. - Sheng, Z., Howard, K.W.F., Otto, C., Ritchie, V., Sililo, O., and Appleyard, S. 2003. Sources, types, characteristics and investigation of urban groundwater pollutants. International Contributions to Hydrogeology (IAH) vol.24. 53-107.

J76 - Qian Hui,, Howard, K.W.F., Zhang Y., Xi L. (2005). Origin of abnormal substances discharged from Baozhusi Dam base, Sichuan, China. Environmental Geology. Environmental Geology. Volume 47, no. 7. pp : 1000 – 1009.

J77. - Howard, K.W.F., 2004. Groundwater for socio-economic development – the role of science. UNESCO IHP-VI series on Groundwater. No. 9. published as CD. ISBN 92-9220-029-1.

J78. - Howard, K.W.F. 2006. Microbial pollution of groundwater in the town of Walkerton, Canada – implications for the development of appropriate management strategies. In: Tellam, J.H., Rivett, M.O. and Israfilov, R.G., (eds.) Urban Groundwater management and Sustainability. NATO Science Series IV Earth and Environmental Sciences Vol. 74, 315-330.

J79. - Howard, K.W.F. and Maier, H., 2007 Road de-icing salt as a potential constraint on urban growth in the Greater Toronto Area, Canada. J ournal of Contaminant Hydrology Volume 91, Issues 1-2 , 2007, Pages 146-170.

J80. - 2009 (in review). S.D. Di Biase,Howard, K.W.F. and J. Thompson. Operational design and maintenance method for sand filters in rapid infiltration systems. Urban Water.

J81. - 2009 (in review). S.D. Di Biase,Howard, K.W.F. and J. Thompson. Siting and design requirements for stormwater infiltration systems. Urban Water.

J82. Howard, K.W.F. (ed.) 2007. Urban Groundwater – Meeting the Challenge IAH-SP Series, Volume 8. Taylor & Francis. 307 pp.

J83. Howard, K.W.F., Maier, H. and S. Mattson. 2006. Groundwater-surface water interactions and the role of the hyporheic zone. In Baba, A., Howard, K.W.F. and Gǚndǚz, O. (eds.) , 2006. Groundwater and Ecosystems. NATO Science Series IV Earth and Environmental Sciences Vol. 70, 131-144

J84. Baba, A., Howard, K.W.F. and Gǚndǚz, O. (eds.), 2006. Groundwater and Ecosystems. NATO Science Series IV Earth and Environmental Sciences Vol. 70. 310 pp.

J85. Howard, K.W.F. and Griffith, A., 2007. Transboundary Aquifers as a Key Component of Integrated Water Resource Management in Central Asia. In Moerlins, J. (ed.). Transboundary Water Resources: A Foundation for Regional Stability in Central Asia. . NATO Science Series IV Earth and Environmental Sciences Vol. 77, 243-261.

J86. Howard , K.W.F. and Griffith, A. (2009), Can the impacts of climate change on groundwater resources be studied without the use of transient models? Hydrological Sciences Journal Vol. 54, no. 4. 754-764.

J87. Howard, K.W.F. Environmental issues related to road salt application in cold climates – the Canadian Experience. (In review for “Cold Climates”  - Integrated Urban Water Management edited by Svenn Thorolfson). (Anticipated publication date Dec., 2011 – ISBN: 978-0-415-45356-I Taylor and Francis).

J88. Tokaryk, K.E., Howard, K.W.F., Powell, M.A., Tripathy, S., Ferris, F.G. Fluoride in groundwater of the Talcher-Angul region, Orissa, India (in review by Applied Geochemistry). 

J89. Pokrajac, D. and Howard, K.W.F., 2011. Urban Groundwater Management with UGROW. UNESCOIHP Urban Water Management Series Volume 5  ISBN: 978-0-415-45354-7 – Taylor and Francis).

J90. Meriano, M., Eyles, N. and K.W.F. Howard 2009. Groundwater contamination by road salt in Frenchman’s Bay Watershed, Ontario, Canada. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, Vol. 107, No. 1-2, pp. 66-81.

J91. Taniguchi, M., Dausman, A., Howard, K.W.F. , Polemio, M., Lakshmana, 2009. Trends and sustainability of groundwater in highly stressed aquifers. IAHS Publication 329, 312 pp.

J92. Webb, M. and Howard, K.W.F. (2011). Modelling the transient response of saline intrusion to rising sea-levels.   Ground Water. Volume 49, Issue 4, July/August 2011, 560–569.

J93. Meriano, M., K.W.F. Howard and Eyles, N., 2011. The role of midsummer urban aquifer recharge in stormflow generation using isotopic and chemical hydrograph separation techniques. Journal of Hydrology. Volume 396, Issues 1-2, 82-93.

J94. Howard, K.W.F., A. Žaknić-Ćatović and H. Maier. (2012, in press). Predicting the implications of climate change for groundwater-dependent Mediterranean islands. In: Gökçekuş, H., (2011, in press). Water in the Mediterranean Basin. Env. Earth Sciences Book Series Vol. 1 . Springer.

J95. Baba, A., Yayfur, G., Gǚndǚz,, O.,  Howard, K.W.F., Friedel, M.J., and Chambel, A. (eds.). (2011) Climate Change and its Effects on Water Resources. NATO Science for Peace and Security Series C: Environmental Security Vol. 3.  303pp

J96. Foster, SSD, Hirata, RA and Howard, KWF. (2011). Groundwater use in developing cities – policy issues arising from current trends. Hydrogeology Journal 19: 271–274

J97. Maier, H., and Howard, K.W.F. 2011. Influence of oscillating flow on hyporheic zone development. Ground Water. Volume 49, Issue 6, November/December 2011, 830–844.

J98. Howard, K.W.F. (2011) Implications of climate change on water security in the Mediterranean region. In: Baba, A., et al., (eds.) (2011). Climate Change and its Effects on Water Resources. NATO Science for Peace and Security Series C: Environmental Security 3, 9-16.

J99. Howard, K.W.F. and Griffith, A., 2010. Aquifer management in climate-stressed environments. In: Li, P. and Li, Q. (eds.) (2010). Ecohydrology and Water Security in Arid and Semi­arid Areas. Shaanxi Sci. and Tech. Publ. House. ISBN 978-7-5369-493-4. 116-129 (in Mandarin).

J100. Ganjikhoramdel, N., Javadi, S., Mohammadi, K., Howard, K., and Monem, M.J. (2012).  Optimizing groundwater monitoring networks using the particle swarm algorithm. Selected Papers in Hydrogeology 17, 323-334.

J101. Qian, H., Li, P., Howard, K.W.F., Yang, C., Zhang, X., (2012). Assessment of groundwater vulnerability in the Yinchuan Plain, Northwest China using OREADIC. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 184: 3613-3628    

J102. Abyaneh, H.Z., M. B. Varkeshi, K. Mohammadi, K.W.F. Howard and Marofi, S.(2011) Assessment of groundwater corrosivity in Hamedan Province, Iran using  an adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS). Geosciences Journal vol. 15, No. 4., Dec. 2011,   433-439.

J102. Abyaneh, H.Z., M. B. Varkeshi, K. Mohammadi, K.W.F. Howard and Marofi, S.(2011) Assessment of groundwater corrosivity in Hamedan Province, Iran using  an adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS). Geosciences Journal vol. 15, No. 4., Dec. 2011,   433-439.

J103  Abbasi, S., K. Mohammadi, M. Kholghi and K.W.F. Howard. (2013, in press). Aquifer vulnerability assessments using DRASTIC, Weights of Evidence and the Analytic Element Method. Hydrological Sciences Journal.

J104. Howard, 2013 in review. Groundwater sustainability under conditions of climate stress. In: Li, P. and Li, Q. (eds.) (2013). Hydrological Ecology and Water Security in Arid and Semi-Arid Regions. Shaanxi Sci. and Tech. Publ. House.

J105. Howard, K.W.F., 2012. Thematic Paper 3: Urban-rural tensions and opportunities for co-management. GROUNDWATER GOVERNANCE: A Global Framework for Country Action. GEF Project (Commissioned paper) 39 pp. Published online:

J106. Perera, N. Howard, K.W.F. Gharabaghi, B., (2013). Groundwater chloride response in the Highland Creek watershed due to road salt application: A re-assessment after 20 years. Journal of Hydrology. 479, no. 4 159–168.

´³107.Ìý Howard, K.W.F., 2013.  Peri-urban conflicts over groundwater due to population growth. Journal of Groundwater Research, Vol.2 no.2, 16-30.

J108.   Li, P., Qian, H., Howard, K.W.F., Wu, J., and X. Lyu, 2014.   Anthropogenic pollution and variability of manganese in alluvial sediments of the Yellow River, Ningxia, northwest China. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 186:1385–1398.

J109. Wolf, L., Howard, K.W.F. and Kralisch, S. (2015, in press) Innovative groundwater management. Journal of Water Reuse and Desalination.

J110. Howard, K.W.F., 2015. Sustainable cities and the groundwater governance challenge. Environmental Earth Sciences 73, 2543–2554.

J111. Peiyue Li, Hui Qian, Ken W. F. Howard and Jianhua Wu, 2015. Heavy metal contamination of Yellow River alluvial sediments, northwest China. Environmental Earth Sciences 73:3403–3415.

J112. Warner, K., Howard, K. Gerber, R., Soo Chan, G., Ford, D., 2016. Effects of urban development on groundwater. Chapt. 6 in Grannemann, G. and Van Stempvoort, D. (Eds.), Groundwater science relevant to the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement: A status report.   May, 2016. Published (online) by Environment and Climate Change Canada and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 46-57.

J113. Li, P., Hui Qian, Howard, KWF and Jianhua Wu. (2015). Building a new and sustainable “Silk Road”. Environmental Earth Sciences (2015) 74:7267–7270.

J114. Chilton, J. and Howard, K.W.F. 2016. Editors’ Message: IAH at sixty. Hydrogeology Journal 24: 1-3.

J115. Howard, K.W.F. and Howard K.K., (2016). The new “Silk Road Economic Belt” as a threat to the sustainable management of Central Asia’s transboundary water resources. Environmental Earth Sciences:  75: 976.

J116. Struckmeier, W., Howard, K.W.F. and Chilton, J., (2016). The International Association of Hydrogeologists (IAH): Reflecting on 60 Years of Contributions to Groundwater Science and Water Management. Hydrogeology Journal. Volume 24, Issue 5, pp 1069–1086

J117.  Dou, Y. Howard, KWF, Yang, L., Dong, W. and Li, G. (2016) Hydrochemistry of fluoride in groundwaters from the Permo-Triassic Aquifer System of Central Shaanxi Province, Northwest China. Exposure and Health 8:419–429.

J118.  Dou, Y. Howard, KWF, and Qian, H. (2016). Transport characteristics of nitrite as determined by a 12-day soil column experiment. Journal of Water Quality, Exposure and Health Volume 8, Issue 3, pp 381–387.

J119. Javadi, S, S.M. Hashemy, K. Mohammadi, and K.W.F. Howard, (2017, in press). Classification of Aquifer vulnerability using K-means cluster analysis. Journal of Hydrology.

J120. Žaknić-Ćatović, A., Howard, K.W.F. and Ćatović, Z. (in press, 2017). Modification of the degree-day formula for diurnal meltwater generation and refreezing.  Theoretical and Applied Climatology.

J121. Li, P., KWF Howard and M. Currell. (2017, in review). Cultivating hope for a better future: research contributions from young scholars in earth and environmental sciences. Environmental Science and Pollution Research.

J122. Qingshan, M., Luo, Z., Howard, KWF, Zujiang, L., Howard K.W.F; and Wang, Q. (2017 in review). Evaluation of optimal aquifer yield in Nantong city, China, under land subsidence constraints. Quarterly Journal Engng. Geology and Hydrogeology.

J123. Luo, Z., Qingshan, M and Howard, K.W.F. (2017, in review). The influence of porous media deformation on contaminant transport. Environmental Earth Sciences.


Full Papers in Conference Proceedings (Mostly refereed)

P1. Lloyd, J.W., Rushton, K.R., Taylor, H.R., Barker, R.D. and Howard, K.W.F. l978. Saline groundwater studies in the Chalk of Northern Lincolnshire. 5th Salt Water Intrusion Meet­ing, International Hydrological Programme, Medmenham, U.K., 87-97.

P2. Howard, K.W.F. and Lloyd, J.W. 1978. Iodide enrichment in the groundwaters of the Chalk Aquifer, Lincolnshire, England. Int. Assoc. Hydrogeologists. International Symposium on Mineralized Waters, Cieplice Spa, Poland, 31-42.

P3. Lloyd, J.W. and Howard, K.W.F. 1979. Environmental isotope studies related to groundwater flow and saline encroachment in the Chalk aquifer of Lincolnshire, England. Interna­tional Atomic Energy Agency, SM/228/18, Vienna, 1979, 311-325.

P4. Evans, D., Lloyd, J.W. and Howard, K.W.F. 1979. A study of saline intrusion and its influence on groundwater management in the Lincolnshire Chalk, England. 6th S.W.I.M. Meeting, Hanover, Int. Hydrol. Prog.,87-103.

P5. Howard, K.W.F., Pilon, P. and Falck, H. 1985. Regional geochemical stratification of groundwater resulting from catchment urbanization. Ontario Ministry of the Environment Technol­ogy Transfer Conference No.6, Part 2. Water Quality Research, ISSN 0-825-491, 160-183, Toronto, December 1985.

P6. Beck, P. and Howard, K.W.F. 1986. The significance of iodide and fluoride in groundwaters from surficial sediments from Southern Ontario. International Association of Hydrogeologists 3rd Canadian Hydrogeological Conference, Saskatoon, 56-65.

P7. Howard, K.W.F. and Jones P.H. 1986. A laboratory study of organic contaminant transport under landfill conditions. 2nd International Conference on Environmental Contamination, Amsterdam, Sept., 345-347.

P8. Howard, K.W.F., Hughes, M. and Thompson, M.J. 1986. Down-hole geophysical methods of fracture detection in low permeability bedrock. NWWA Surface and Borehole Geophysics and Ground Water Instrumentation Conference. Colorado, October, 507-524.

P9. Pilon, P. and Howard, K.W.F. 1986. Origins of elevated chloride concentrations in groundwater systems. Ontario Ministry of the Environment Technology Transfer Conference No.7, Toronto, December; Part C - Liquid and Solid Waste Research, ISSN 0-825-4591, 376-398.

P10. Howard, K.W.F. and Jones, P.H. (1987) Study of the movement of complex polymer in a simulated groundwater system using a 14C tracer. Proceedings of the Canadian Society for Civil Engineers Centennial Conference, Vol. 2, Sec. 1, 233-270. Montreal, May, 1987.

P11. Howard, K.W.F. and Dankevy, S.N. 1988. Evaluating the effects of acid rain on shal­low groundwater quality. Proceedings of IAH Symposium on the Hydrogeology of Cold and Tem­perate Climates, Halifax, May, 1988. 95-102.

P.12. Howard, K.W.F., Taylor, R. and Salvatori, S. 1994. The dynamics of groundwater flow in the shallow regolith of Uganda. 25th Congress of the International Association of Hydrogeologists / International Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium of the Institution of Engineers, Australia. Adelaide, 21-25 November Preprints of Papers NCPN No. 94/10, 435-440.

P13. Haynes, J. and Howard, K.W.F. 1989. Hydrologic model of de-icing salts in the en­vironment: a salt balance in an urban watershed. Proc. Environm. Research: 1989 Tech. Transfer Conference, Nov. 1989. Vol. 1 Air and Water Qual. Research. ISSN 0825-4591, 390-403.

P14. Howard, K.W.F. and Haynes, 1990. Geochemical alteration of road de-icing chemicals by sub-surface rock-soil-water interactions. Proceedings of Environmental Research: 1990 Ontario MOE Technology Transfer Conference, Nov. 1990. Vol. 1 Air and Water Quality Research. ISSN 0825-4591, 371-374.

P15. Howard, K.W.F., 1991. Potential over-development of fractured bedrock aquifers in the Nyabisheki catchment of south-western Uganda. Proceedings of XXIII Congress "Aquifer Over-exploitation", Canary Islands, Spain, April, 1991. Vol. 1, 437-440.

P16. Howard, K.W.F. Haynes, J., Salvatori, S.L., Montgomery, J. and C. Romano 1991. Groundwater contamination by road de-icing chemicals - implications of a salt balance per­formed on Highland Creek, Metropolitan Toronto. Proceedings of Environmental Research: 1991 Ontario MOE Technology Transfer Conference, Nov. 1991. Vol 1, 229-232.

P17. Taylor, L.C., and Howard, K.W.F., 1993. The distribution of Cypridopsis okeechobi in the Duffins Creek - Rouge River drainage basins and its potential as an indicator of human disturbance. In "Ostracoda in the Earth and Life Sciences" (eds. McKenzie, K.G. and Jones, P.J. Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Ostracoda. Victoria, Australia. July 8-12, 1991. A.A. Balkelma Publishers, Netherlands. pp 481-492.

P18. Howard, K.W.F. and Smart, P., 1992. Hydrogeology of the Oak Ridges Moraine. Proceedings of Environmental Research: 1992 Ontario MOE Technology Transfer Conference. Nov. 1992.

P19. Howard, K.W.F., 1992. Over-exploitation of groundwater resources in the developing world. Keynote Address. Proceedings of "Modern Trends in Hydrogeology". 1992 International Association of Hydrogeologists Conference, Hamilton, Ontario, May 10-14, 1992, 311-325.

P20. Howard, K.W.F., 1993 (in press) Impacts of urban and industrial development on groundwater - Mexico City, perceptions reality and resolution. International Seminar on the Environment, Toluca, Mexico, February 20-25, 1993.

P21. Howard, K.W.F., J. Boyce, N. Eyles, R. Gerber, S.L. Salvatori, P. Smart and S. Livingstone, 1993. Geology and Hydrogeology of the Oak Ridges Moraine. Proceedings of Environmental Research: 1993 Ontario MoEE Technology Transfer Conference. Nov. 1993.

P22. Howard, K.W.F. and Livingstone, S.J. 1994. Impact of urban development on surface water as a result of shallow groundwater flow - a case study from the Great Lakes Basin of North America. 25th Congress of the International Association of Hydrogeologists / International Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium of the Institution of Engineers, Australia. Adelaide, 21-25 November Preprints of Papers NCPN No. 94/10, 133-138.

P23. Howard, K.W.F., Taylor, R. and Salvatori, S. 1994. The dynamics of groundwater flow in the shallow regolith of Uganda. 25th Congress of the International Association of Hydrogeologists / International Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium of the Institution of Engineers, Australia. Adelaide, 21-25 November Preprints of Papers NCPN No. 94/10, 435-440.

P24. Taylor, R.G. and Howard, K.W.F. (1995). Averting shallow well contamination in Uganda. Proc. 21st WEDC Conference on Sustainability of Water and Sanitation Systems. Kampala, Uganda, Sept 4-8, 1995.

P25. Howard, K.W.F. (1995) Impacts of road salt on shallow groundwater beneath Metropolitan Toronto, Canada. Proceedings of the International Association of Hydrogeologists (IAH) Workshop on Groundwater in Urban Areas. .Aachen, Germany 6-8 September, 1995

P26. Howard, K.W.F. and Taylor, R.G. (1995). Groundwater recharge to the regolith of northern Uganda. Proc. 21st WEDC Conference on Sustainability of Water and Sanitation Systems. Kampala, Uganda, Sept 4-8, 1995.Int. Conference on Groundwater in East Africa, Kampala, Uganda, Sept. 1995.

P27. Howard, K.W.F. and Eyles, N. (1996). The hydrogeology of the Oak Ridges Moraine - a progress report. Invited Paper - Session 1. Presented at the Watershed Management Symposium, Burlington, Ontario, Dec. 6-8, 1995. 6pp.

P28. Howard, K.W.F. 1996. Urban development along the Oak Ridges Moraine of southern Ontario: to what extent should the hydrogeologist get involved? Proceedings of the International Association of Hydrogeologists (IAH) Workshop on Urban Hydrogeology and Risk Assessment, Chalmers Science Park, Göteborg, Sweden, 4-6 September, 1996

P29 Taylor L.C., Howard, K.W.F. and P. De Deckker. The combined use of groundwater flow models and fossil ostracods to reconstruct past hydrological changes in semi-arid regions. Proceedings of Climate Change - Retrospect and Prospect. School of Earth Sciences, Univ. Melbourne, Nov 6-8, 1995 pp 52-55.

P30 Howard , K.W.F., 1998. Monitoring the impact of road de-icing chemicals on groundwater. In: Nystén, T. and Suokko, T. (eds.), 1998. De-icing and dustbinding - risk to aquifers. Proceedings of an International Symposium, Finnish Environmental Institute, Helsinki, Finland. October 14-16, 51-62. Keynote Address

P31 Gerber, R.E. and Howard, K.W.F., 1998. Groundwater balance for the Duffins Creek drainage basin: 3-D modelling approach. In Proceedings of “Groundwater in a Watershed Context. Canadian Centre for Inland Waters, Burlington, Ontario. December 2-4, 1998.

P32 - 1999. Howard K.W.F. and Gerber, R.E. Protection of groundwater in areas threatened by urban development. Hydrogeology and land use management. XXIX Congress of the International Association of Hydrogeologists. Bratislava, Slovak Republic, 6-10 September, 1999. 397-402

P33. - 1999 Ghassemi, F. and Howard, K.W.F.. Constraints on the use of three dimensional models for the simulation of dynamic freshwater lenses. Proceedings of the International Congress on Modelling and Simulation (MODSIM), Hamilton, New Zealand Nov. 1999, Vol. 1, 61-68.

P34. - 2000 Howard, K.W.F. Groundwater Jurisdiction: a Canadian Perspective. Proceedings of the 20 th International Association of Hydrogeologists (Irish Group) Groundwater Seminar. Portlaoise, Ireland, 11th-12th April, 2000. Published by IAH. ISSN-1393-1806

P35 - 2000 Howard, K.W.F., Beatty, B, Thompson, M.J. and Motkaluk, S.D. Advancing technologies in the hydrogeological design of urban subdivisions. Past Achievements and Future Challenges. Proceedings of the XXX Congress of the International Association of Hydrogeologists. Cape Town, South Africa, November 2000. 947-952.

P36 - 2000 . Ghassemi, and Howard, K.W.F.. (Plenary lecture). Simulation of seawater intrusion and limits to the application of three-dimensional solute transport models. Symposium on Computer methods for Engineering in porous media. Flow and Transport. Basancon, France. July 9-13, 2000.

P37. Howard, K.W.F., 2000. Urban Groundwater Issues (Keynote address). Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Basic Sciences and Advance technology (BSAT-II). Assiut Egypt. Nov 5-8, 2000.

P38. Radke, L., Olley, J., Juggins, S., Radke, B., Howard, K, and Roberts, R. 2000. Holocene paleohydrology of the Mount Arapiles Lake Complex, Wimmera, southwest Murray Basin. Proceedings of the Bowlerfest Quaternary Studies Meeting. August 2000.

P39. Howard, KW.F., 2001 in press. Polluted groundwater - deadly lessons from Walkerton, Ontario, Canada Proceedings of the XXXI Congress of the International Association of Hydrogeologists. Munich, Germany. September, 2001.

P40. Israfilov, Y., T. Rashidov, I. Mamedov, K.W.F. Howard, and K. Trout., 2007. GIS applications in the management of water resources in urbanized territories (an example from the Absheron Peninsula, Azerbaijan). XV International Symposium on Geographical Information Systems,Moldova, October 26-28, 2007.

P41. Howard, K.W.F., Israfilov R., Israfilov Y., Griffith, A., Ismailova, M. and Rashidov, T. 2007 Use of groundwater models for managing serious urban water issues in Baku, the capital city of Azerbaijan. In: Proceedings of "New Directions in Urban Water Management" - a UNESCO International Symposium held in Paris, France, September 12-14, 2007. 8 pp.


Conference Abstracts since 2012 (Mostly refereed)

  1. A52. Meriano, M., Doughty, Howard, K.W.F. and Eyles, N. (2012). A comparison of urban groundwater recharge estimates using classical and modified soil moisture balance models Proceedings of IAH2012, the 39th International Congress of the International Association of Hydrogeologists.  Niagara Falls, Sept 16-21, 2012.

  2. A53. Howard, K.W.F. (2012) (INVITED KEYNOTE ADDRESS). Peri-urban conflicts over groundwater due to population growth – the governance challenge.  Proceedings of the 5th International Groundwater Congress (IGWC), Aurangabad, Maharashtra India, December 18th-21st, 2012.

  3. ´¡54.Ìý Howard, K.W.F. (2012) (INVITED OPENING ADDRESS). Challenges in Urban groundwater. Paper #144-1.  Session: Hydrology of Urban Groundwater, Streams, and Watersheds. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Vol. 44, No. 7.

  4. A55. Howard, K.W.F. (2013) (INVITED KEYNOTE ADDRESS).  Groundwater-surface water interactions and the role of the hyporheic zone. KIGAM International Symposium on Ecohydrology and Groundwater Sustainability. Korea July 23rd, 2013.

  5. A56. Howard, K.W.F. (2013) (INVITED ADDRESS).  Karst as a constraint on aggregate mining along the Niagara Escarpment, eastern Canada. Karstflow2013. International Symposium on Hierarchical Flow Systems in Karst Regions. 4-7 September 2013. Budapest Hungary.  Symposium program, abstracts and field trip guide p.83

  6. A57. Maier, H.S. and Howard, K.W.F., 2014. The role of aquifer geometry on the transport and fate of dense brine. Joint Annual Meeting with Canadian Society of Soil Science and Mantle Convection Workshop. Banff, Alberta, May 4-7, 2014.

  7. A58. Maier, H.S. and Howard, K.W.F., 2014. Practical simulation of long-term, large-scale transport of dense brine with a narrow transition zone. Joint Annual Meeting with Canadian Society of Soil Science and Mantle Convection Workshop. Banff, Alberta, May 4-7, 2014.

  8. A59. Israfilov, R., K.W.F. Howard and Y. Israfilov. 2014. Groundwater exploitation and its impact on the environment in Azerbaijan. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on "Seismology-earthquake engineering”. 29 to 31 May, 2014, Baku, Azerbaijan.

  9. A60. Howard, K.W.F., (2014 – Invited opening paper). Sustainable management of groundwater supplies in urban and peri-urban areas. Paper No. 17-1. Session No. 17: Assessing Vulnerability of Water Supply Wells from Wastewater: Sources, Contaminants, Tracers, and Pathways. 2014 GSA Annual Meeting in Vancouver, British Columbia (19–22 October 2014).

  10. A61. Howard, K.W.F., (2014 - Keynote). Groundwater and the world's growing cities. Proceedings of the 5th Colombian Hydrogeology Congress (“V Congreso Colombiano de Hidrogeología – I Seminario Internacional sobre Temas Actuales en Hidrología Subterránea”). Medellin, Colombia. September 24-26, 2014.

  11. A62. Howard, K.W.F., (2014 - Keynote).Urban-rural conflicts over groundwater – the role of governance. Proceedings of the 5th International Academic Conference on Water Security in Arid and Semi-Arid Regions. Xi’an China. September 8-12, 2014.

  12. A63. Howard, K.W.F., Stone, M. and Mansour, N., 2015. Recent field data confirm previous predictions that Toronto’s groundwater faces a serious decline in water quality due to road salt. Proceedings of IAH-CNC 2015 Waterloo Conference. October 27 to 30, 2015.

  13. A64. Howard, K.W.F., (2015 – Invited Opening Keynote). Management and protection of groundwater in modern growing cities. Proceedings of “Current trends and approaches in urban hydrogeology”. Proceedings of a workshop held under the auspices of TUD- COST Action TU1206 - SUB-URBAN - A European network to improve understanding and use of the ground beneath our cities. Bucharest, Romania. 13 - 15 May 2015.

  14. A65. Dickinson, G., Wiezel, K. and K. W. F. Howard, 2015. Developing and protecting an urban groundwater supply in a coastal sand and gravel aquifer.  Proceedings of Aqua2015 42nd IAH Congress, Rome, Italy. September 14-18, 2015.

  15. A66. Warner, K. and K. W. F. Howard, 2015. United States and Canada Assess the Impact of Urban Development on Groundwater Quality—Example from the Great Lakes Basin. Proceedings of Aqua2015 42nd IAH Congress, Rome, Italy. September 14-18, 2015.

  16. A67. Howard, K.W.F. (2015 Invited Opening Keynote). Groundwater considerations in the geologic sequestration of carbon dioxide. Session 701: Water Quality/Water Pollution Control and Remediation. Proceedings of BIT’s 5th Low Carbon Earth Summit 2015. Xi’an, China. September 24-26, 2015.

  17. A68. Howard, K.W.F., (2015 Invited Opening Keynote). Use of groundwater in tsunami threatened coastal areas – lessons learned. Proceedings of an International scientific seminar on “Use of fresh Groundwater for drinking water supply of population in emergency situations”, sponsored by IUGS – GEM (Commission on Geoscience for Environmental Management - International Union of Geological Sciences) together with Geological Survey of Lithuania. Vilnius, Lithuania, June 3-5, 2015.

  18. A69. Howard, K.W.F., (2016 – Invited Opening Keynote). Groundwater in urban areas; the last 30 years. Proceedings of International Seminar on Urban Hydrogeology held under the auspices of TUD- COST Action TU1206. February 3-6, 2016, Trondheim, Norway.

  19. A70. Howard, K.W.F., (2016 – Invited Opening Keynote). Geoscience as the key to understanding climate change and potential impacts on groundwater.  KIGAM-KOSSGE International Workshop on Climate Change and Adaptation.          Seoul, Korea, April 14th to 15th, 2016.

  20. A71. Howard, K.W.F., (2016 – Invited Opening Keynote).  Impacts of climate change on coastal aquifers. International Water Association (IWA) Specialist Groundwater Conference. Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts – SASA, June 9th to 11th, 2016, Belgrade, Serbia.

  21. A72. Howard, K.W.F., (2016– Invited Opening Keynote).  The Loess of North America. International Conference on Groundwater in Arid and semi-Arid regions. August 10th to 12th, 2016, Xi’an China.