
Sustainability-Themed clubs

students jumping

Whether you're new to UTSC or are wanting to get involved to connect to your peers, joining a sustainably-minded club is a great way to affect change and make new friends! UTSC offers a wonderful array of various clubs that work hard to connect to students, offer fun and engaging opportunities, and make a positive change at UTSC.

Below are some clubs that do great work related to sustainability and UN 17 Sustainable Development Goals. Feel free to reach out to them on their Instagram page and be sure to check out the for even more students clubs offered at UTSC.

Want to connect with nature and learn about local biodiversity? Check out the club

Interested in the circular economy and preventing items from going to landfill? Check out the club

Cities can be leaders in affecting sustainable change! Check out the club

Also International Development Studies' Student Association, Jack.org UTSC, Blankets for T.O, Prestige, Scarborough Campus OUT, and much more!