
Compliance & Ethics

Compliance & Ethics Details

A valid University of Toronto Biosafety Certificate is required for all University laboratory activities which involve the use of potentially hazardous biological agents and materials containing such agents. The  must be approved by and filed with the Biosafety office prior to purchasing, importing or conducting projects involving biohazards.

Please see the  of the  website for more information and application forms.


Dr. Shelley Brunt 

Local Biosafety Coordinator

Associate Professor

Department of Biological Sciences

E-mail: brunt@utsc.utoronto.ca

All researchers conducting research or teaching projects involving the use of animals must obtain the approval of the before commencing the project.

  • Please refer to the  for more information and applicable forms.
  • Please refer to the for training information and forms.
  • Please refer to the AECU Sharepoint site for access to applicable .

All student and faculty research activities at the University of Toronto Scarborough that involve the use of human subjects must comply with the relevant policies governing such research and must be reviewed the Office of Research Ethics (ORE) if conducted by faculty and/or graduate students. All of the Toronto Academic Health Sciences Network (TAHSN) hospitals have their own, independent REBs. All hospital-based researchers must submit human participant research protocols to their respective hospital REB for review, and to the REBs of all hospitals involved in the research. Researchers should also submit protocols to their appropriate University of Toronto REB if recruitment, intervention or interaction with human participants will be done on campus.

Please see the  website for more information and application forms.

The University is responsible for reviewing all undergraduate research involving human participants. It is the responsibility of both the student and the supervisor/instructor to understand and comply with federal and University policies governing research involving humans and to submit an ethics protocol.

Please consult the  webpage to locate ethics review forms and to contact the appropriate Delegated Ethics Review Committees (DERCs) to review project protocols.