
Please select the appropriate option from the below list. All application fees are non-refundable.

If you have questions regarding the transfer credit policy, visit the Transfer Credit Website.

Transfer Credit On-Admission (Newly Admitted Transfer Students)

Students who received an offer of admission with condition to complete the mandatory transfer credit application.

Apply for Transfer Credit On-Admission

Letter of Permission (LOP)

UTSC students who are applying for permission to study at an accredited degree granting institution within Canada.

Apply for Letter of Permission

Visiting Students to UTSC

Students who are currently in degree programs at accredited degree granting institution in North America where they are in good academic standing and have obtained (or are applying for) a letter of permission to study at UTSC. Please note: Visiting students are not eligible to study management courses at UTSC.

Apply for Visiting Student Application

Post-Admission Transfer Credit (PATC)

Current UTSC students applying for transfer credit for course work completed at an accredited degree-granting institution outside of Canada. This application must be submitted within one month after the completion of a course. See Students Currently Enrolled at UTSC for application dates and additional information.

Our policies are subject to change at any time. Please check carefully to review the most up-to-date application for our active policies and practices. The policies listed on your application at the time of submission will be used to consider your transfer credit request.

Apply for Post-Admission Transfer Credit (PATC)