
Hilary Brown receives grant to explore pregnancy outcomes and care of women with mental and physical health conditions

A photo of Hilary Brown
Hilary Brown’s research examines maternal and child health across the lifespan.

Hilary Brown has been awarded a Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) Project grant that will support her work investigating the pregnancy outcomes and care of women who have two or more long-term physical and mental health conditions. Hilary Brown is an associate professor in the department of health and a Tier 2 Canada Research Chair in disability and reproductive health. She has spent the last few years conducting a series of studies into the experiences of people with disabilities as they navigate the Ontario health-care system, from pregnancy to one year after giving birth. Her findings have and continue to highlight the ways health-care needs to change to better serve those who have disabilities. CIHR is made up of 13 institutes and supports health-related research with $1 billion in funding annually.