
The Anita Fitzgerald Prize in Women's Studies

The Anita Fitzgerald Prize in Women's Studies

Application deadline: April 25, 2014

This cash prize is for the best essay or project by a 澳门六合彩开奖接口 student on a topic appropriate to Women's  and Gender Studies. The written assignment (essay, report, etc.) or project (written or other media) should deal with some aspect of women's roles, women's activities and experiences, women's forms of expression, the development and transmission of ideas and attitudes about women, or the concerns and problems of women today or in the past. Eligible assignments and projects must have been submitted as part of course work in the 2013-2014 academic year and must have been worth at least 25% of the course grade.

Instructions for student applicants and instructors

1) The assignment or project must be submitted in three copies. Students may edit a completed assignment for style and grammar before submitting it to the competition. 

2) For creative submissions, such as creative essays, media submissions and portfolios, please provide three copies of an author's statement or overview of the significance of the project to feminism or women's and gender studies. Your statement should discuss how this relates to some aspect of women's roles, women's activities and experiences, women's forms of expression, the development and transmission of ideas and attitudes about women, or the concerns and problems of women today or in the past.

3) Students need to be either nominated or supported by instructors. Each work or assignment should be accompanied by a brief statement from the course instructor (maximum 250 words) on a) the essay's or project's originality, b) the amount of supervision and/or editorial assistance the student received, and c) the percentage of the course's workload this essay or project represented.

4) Email AND deliver one copy of your entry (with letter from course instructor) to Kamal Hassan, (khassan@utsc.utoronto.ca) Assistant to the Chair, Dept. of Historical and Cultural Studies, Room HW527 ,  by April 25, 2014, noon. Subject line: WST Fitzgerald Prize.

Please write Prof. Connie Guberman, (c.guberman@utoronto.ca) if you have questions.