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Emergency Procedures (i) List of emergency phone numbers posted (ii) Personnel trained in emergency procedures (iii) Personnel familiar with accident reporting procedures 2. SAFETY BULLETIN BOARDS Copy of the Occupational Health and Safety Act posted Current list of health and safety committee members posted Minutes of last committee meeting posted 3. SECURITY/PERSONAL SAFETY Security measures in place Area restricted to employees Not working alone or in isolation where possible 4. FLOORS, AISLES, EXITS Clear and unobstructed Free of loose materials, debris, spills or worn floor coverings Floors regularly cleaned Floors of non-slippery material Floors dry and absent of residue 5. STOVES AND OVENS Stovetops, benches and work areas clean and organized Handles of cooking utensils/pots turned to the back or side of stove Stand to side when lighting gas stoves and ovens Microwave ovens cleaned often Door seals on microwave in good condition Ovens cleaned regularly  6. GENERAL VENTILATION Ventilation adequate for room conditions and usage Thermal comfort maintained (temperature, humidity air velocity) Ventilation systems regularly inspected, tested and maintained Air inlets and outlets free of debris or contaminants (e.g. dirt, mould) 7. GENERAL CHEMICAL SAFETY A. Chemical Storage (i) Properly labeled (ii) Proper chemical segregation (iii) Proper storage shelving (iv) Tidy and uncluttered B. WHMIS (i) Containers WHMIS labeled (ii) Current MSDSs readily available at all times (iii) All personnel WHMIS trained (iv) Chemical inventory available C. Chemical Spills (i) Spill kit available (ii) All personnel trained in spill cleanup procedures (iii) Emergency showers and eyewash accessible D. Chemical Wastes (i) Containers properly labeled (ii) Proper storage (iii) Regular disposal (iv) Personnel trained in proper waste disposal procedures 8. FLAMMABLE MATERIALS Maximum of 3 flammable storage cabinets per area Maximum of 250 L flammable and 250 L combustible materials stored in cabinet Maximum of 50 L flammable and 250 L combustible materials stored outside cabinet Flammables stored away from heat or other ignition sources 9. COMPRESSED GAS CYLINDERS Properly secured to fixed object Properly labelled Valve cap on when not in use Away from heat or ignition sources 10. HOODS Proper sized filters used in stove hoods All grease producing appliances under hood Hoods, ducts and grease filters free of grease Commercial cleaning scheduled regularly 11. WORK PRACTICES Food and broken dishes cleaned up immediately 12. LIGHTING Adequate for tasks conducted Light fixtures in good condition 13. PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT Proper eye protection worn for chemical handling Proper gloves worn specific to the chemical hazard Suitable gloves worn when washing dishes Heat-resistant gloves worn during handling of hot utensils and equipment Closed toe shoes with non-slip soles worn Clothing with short or close-fitting sleeves worn during open flame cooking Protective equipment regularly inspected and maintained Employees trained in proper use of protective equipment 15. ELECTRICAL SAFETY Electrical cords, plugs and sockets in good condition Grounded connections Extension cords not used as permanent wiring Adequate number of outlets MATERIAL STORAGE Materials neatly and safety piled Commonly used and heavier items stored between mid-thigh and shoulder height If necessary to store heavy items high, load secured Racks, shelves, or pallets kept in good condition 18. KITCHEN TOOLS Knives kept sharp and good condition Knives and sharp tools properly stored Cuts always made away from body Proper training 19. KITCHEN EQUIPMENT Clean Good working order Regularly inspected and maintained Proper electrical connection Users properly trained Machines for slicing, grinding, cutting have guards Walk-in freezers have inside lightswitch and means to open door from inside Proper equipment provided 7>@ ! T + F   l a z | /NOŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻňŝ~tjhm CJOJQJhneCJOJQJhqCJOJQJh 5CJOJQJh_3CJOJQJh CJOJQJh}wCJOJQJhs_CJOJQJhkCJOJQJhk5CJOJQJhkhk5CJOJQJhk6CJOJQJh 5CJOJQJhk5CJOJQJ'@! 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