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Committees should customize checklists to their own workplaces. 1. EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS A. First Aid (i) First aid kit readily available (ii) First aid kit fully stocked (iii) List of trained first aiders posted B. Emergency Equipment (i) Fire control equipment regularly tested (ii) Fire control equipment appropriate for type of fire it must control (iii) Emergency lighting in place and regularly tested (iv) Emergency exits marked C. Emergency Procedures (i) List of emergency phone numbers posted (ii) Personnel trained in emergency procedures (e.g. evacuation, fire, bomb threat) (iii) Personnel familiar with accident reporting procedures 2. SAFETY BULLETIN BOARDS Copy of the Occupational Health and Safety Act posted Current list of health and safety committee members posted Minutes of last committee meeting posted University Health & Safety Policy posted & current within 1 yr. University Workplace Violence and Harassment Policies posted 3. SECURITY/PERSONAL SAFETY Where the following conditions exist, measures and procedures have been developed to address personal safety: Providing services to non-UofT community Handling valuables (cash or other) Working alone, in small numbers, or during off-peak hours Work is scheduled to avoid, as much as possible, working alone, in small numbers or during off-peak hours Adequate lighting in and around work areas Good sight lines at entrances and exits. If there is a reception area, visitors are greeted promptly and/or required to sign-in. Location of valuables is locked/hidden (petty cash is kept to minimum) Workers have a secured location, out of public sight, for personal belongings (e.g. purse) A means of summoning immediate assistance is available Emergency phone numbers (e.g. campus police) are posted Distribution of keys is controlled and recorded. Non-workers are accompanied in restricted areas. 4. SANITATION AND AMENITIES Eating facilities clean and tidy Toilet and washroom facilities adequate and clean Drinking water available Hot and cold water available 5. FLOORS, AISLES, STAIRWAYS, EXITS Clear and unobstructed Adequate aisles and walkways Free of loose materials, debris, spills or worn carpeting 6. HOUSEKEEPING Materials safely stored Work areas and floors clean and organized Floors regularly cleaned Paper and wastes properly disposed of Surface dust levels low 7. LIGHTNING Adequate for tasks conducted Light fixtures in good condition Work surfaces free from glare or shadows Floors, aisles & staircase are well lit 8. INDOOR AIR QUALITY Ventilation adequate for room conditions and usage Ventilation systems regularly inspected, tested and maintained Air inlets and outlets free of contamination such as dust, dirt, or mould Thermal comfort maintained (temperature, humidity, air velocity)9. WORKSTATION ERGONOMICS Appropriate adjustable furniture and equipment available Workstation heights adjustable to suit worker size Chairs well designed/adjustable Foot rest provided where needed Sufficient work space Frequent breaks from computer or from fixed position work Carts or other appropriate mechanical lifting equipment available and used for handling heavy materials 10. OFFICE EQUIPMENT Wall and ceiling fixtures securely fastened Desk and file drawers kept closed when not in use Office accessories secured or stored when not in use File cabinets, drawers or shelves not overloaded Filing cabinets/shelves properly secured to floor and/or walls Furniture and equipment free of sharp edges Electrical or telephone cords not a trip hazard Photocopiers and printers located in well ventilated area to prevent contaminant buildup 11. NOISE Noise levels within acceptable office levels for the activities conducted 12. ELECTRICAL SAFETY Electrical cords, plugs and sockets in good condition Extension cords not used as permanent wiring Adequate electrical outlets Electrical outlets not overloaded 13. CHEMICAL SAFETY Chemical agents properly identified and labeled Material safety data sheets available for chemical agents Where required, employees trained in WHMIS, including safe use, handling and disposal of chemical agents 14. MOULD Area is free of musty odour Ceiling tiles, walls and floor do not have signs of water leakage or water damage (e.g. discoloured, moist, peeling or bubbly surfaces) Window, walls & pipes are free of condensate No visible mould growth on surfaces  %OSWXYZD ^ _ n ŕ á ř Ĺ Ý œ  ž š Á Ę Ň ď qŽ`Đá|ˆ33NüńćńćŰĐČ˝°˘”˘‡”˘‡˘‡”‡˘‡z‡˘‡˘‡˘‡˘‡˘‡˘‡oh6vŤ5CJOJQJhÖ^úh›cÔCJOJQJhÖ^úh6vŤCJOJQJhÖ^úh6vŤ6CJOJQJhÖ^úh6vŤ5CJOJQJh6vŤ6CJOJQJaJh6vŤ6CJOJQJhÖ^úOJQJh’é5CJOJQJhÖ^ú5CJOJQJhb—5CJOJQJh6vŤ5CJOJQJh6vŤ&&OYZD E _ ÷ëۓ“Š_+$$$d %d &d 'd IfNĆ˙ OĆ˙ PĆ˙ QĆ˙ a$ $$Ifa$$a$gd6vŤ($ Ć>GţśŇ p@ ŕ°ž€P đŔ!$`'0*a$gdÖ^ú($ Ć>GţśŇ p@ ŕ°ž€P đŔ!$`'0*a$gd6vŤ $ Ć—a$gd6vŤ$a$gdÖ^úƒţ_ ` n ” ś ŕ á ř & p § Ä Ĺ ééĘĘĘÁ¤ˆˆˆˆn Ć vĐ„˜ţ$-DIfMĆ ˙˙˙˙`„˜ţ ĆĐ„„ňţ$-DIfMĆ ˙˙˙˙^„`„ňţ ĆĐ$$d-DIfMĆ ˙˙˙˙NĆ˙ $$Ifa$ ĆhvĐ„ž„p˙$-DIfMĆ ˙˙˙˙^„ž`„p˙ Ć hv$-DIfMĆ ˙˙˙˙ Ĺ Ţ ` œ  ž š ş áĆĆĆ˝ŁkW ĆĐ$-DIfMĆ ˙˙˙˙7 Ć hĐ$$d %d &d 'd -DIfMĆ ˙˙˙˙NĆ˙ OĆ˙ PĆ˙ QĆ˙  Ć vĐ„˜ţ$-DIfMĆ ˙˙˙˙`„˜ţ $$Ifa$ Ćv„„ňţ$-DIfMĆ ˙˙˙˙^„`„ňţ Ć vĐ$$d-DIfMĆ ˙˙˙˙NĆ˙ş đ + T ” Ň ď đ ^ ‡ 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