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First Aid (i) First aid kit readily available (ii) First aid kit fully stocked (iii) List of trained first aiders posted Emergency Procedures (i) List of emergency phone numbers posted (ii) Personnel trained in emergency procedures (iii) Personnel familiar with accident reporting procedures (v) Emergency lighting in place and regularly tested (vi) Emergency exits marked 2. SAFETY BULLETIN BOARDS Copy of the Occupational Health and Safety Act posted Current list of health and safety committee members posted. Minutes of last committee meeting posted University Health & Safety Policy posted & current within 1 yr. Copies of University Workplace Violence and Harassment posted 3. SECURITY/PERSONAL SAFETY Where the following conditions exist, measures and procedures have been developed to address personal safety: Mobile workplace Handling valuables (tools, equipment, etc.) Transporting people and goods Working alone, in small numbers, or during off-peak hours Work is scheduled to avoid, as much as possible, working alone, in small numbers or during off-peak hours Cellphones, radios, buddy system, check-in procedures are used to maintain contact Adequate lighting in work areas Good sight lines of entrances and exits. Workers have a secured location, out of public sight, for personal belongings (e.g. purse) A means of summoning immediate assistance is available Emergency phone numbers (e.g. campus police) are posted Distribution of keys is controlled and recorded. Non-workers (e.g. visitors, contractors) are accompanied in restricted areas. 4. HOUSEKEEPING Work areas and floors clean and organized Floors regularly cleaned Equipment and tools put away when not in use Surface dust levels low 5. FLOORS, AISLES, STAIRWAYS, EXITS Clear and unobstructed Free of loose materials, debris, spills or worn carpeting 6. LIGHTING Adequate for tasks conducted Light fixtures in good condition No direct or reflected glare Floors, aisles & staircase are well lit 7. GENERAL VENTILATION Adequate for room conditions Ventilation systems regularly inspected, tested and maintained Thermal comfort maintained (temperature, humidity, air velocity) 8. SANITATION AND AMENITIES Eating facilities clean and tidy Toilet and washroom facilities adequate and clean Showers and washing facilities provided where necessary Drinking water available Hot and cold water available 9. ELECTRICAL SAFETY Electrical cords, plugs and sockets in good condition Grounded connections Extension cords not used as permanent wiring Electrical outlets not overloaded 10. ERGONOMICS AND MATERIALS HANDLING Workstation heights adjustable to suit worker size Chairs well designed/adjustableAdequate work space Regular breaks from fixed position work Carts or mechanical lifting equipment available and used for handling heavy materials Workers trained in proper manual materials handling and lifting 11. MATERIALS STORAGE Materials stored in bins or drawers where possible Materials neatly and safely piled Commonly used and heavier items stored between mid-thigh and shoulder height Surrounding areas clear of obstructions Racks, shelves, or pallets kept in good condition 12. CHEMICAL SAFETY Chemical Storage (i) Properly labeled (ii) Proper chemical segregation (iii) Proper storage shelving (iv) Tidy and uncluttered WHMIS (i) Containers WHMIS labeled (ii) Current MSDSs readily available at all times (iii) All personnel trained in WHMIS, hazards and safe use of chemicals (iv) Chemical inventory available Chemical Spills (i) Spill kit available (ii) All personnel trained in spill cleanup procedures Chemical Wastes (i) Containers properly labeled (ii) Proper storage (iii) Regular disposal (Iv) Personnel trained in proper waste disposal procedures 13. PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT Proper personal protective equipment matched to the specific hazard - available and worn Protective equipment regularly inspected and maintained Employees trained in proper use 14. COMPRESSED GAS CYLINDERS Properly secured to fixed object Properly labeled Valve cap on when not in use Away from heat or ignition sources 15. LADDERS In good condition Free of grease, oil or debris Ladders exceeding 6 m properly secured when in use Nonconductive ladders used in electrical areas 16. HAND AND PORTABLE TOOLS In good working order and condition Regularly inspected and maintained Electrical grounding or double insulation protection Users properly trained Properly stored when not in use 17. MACHINERY AND GUARDING In good working order and condition Regularly inspected and maintained Proper guarding on pinch points, in-running nip points and points of operation Fixed guards in place and in good condition Operating controls guarded against inadvertent activation Operating controls locked and key removed when not in use Isolation and lockout provided for servicing and maintenance Users properly trained Operator manual present  18. POWERED LIFTING EQUIPMENT Equipment, chains, slings, ropes and hooks in good condition Labeled as to rated working load Annual inspection records available Operated only by trained and competent personnel 19. ELECTRICAL POWER SYSTEMS High voltage and control panels closed and secured Control panels identified and accessible Wiring, insulation and fixtures in good condition Lockout/tagout system in place Equipment protected from fluids 20. NOISE Hazardous noise areas identified and marked Hearing protection available and worn in designated areas Workers trained in noise hazards and use of hearing protection 21. CONFINED SPACES Access is secured Entry by permit only All workers have been trained Rescue plan is in place All equipment (including air monitors and rescue equipment is present.  22. MOULD Area is free of musty odour Ceiling tiles, walls and floor do not have signs of water leakage or water damage (e.g. discoloured, moist, peeling or bubbly surfaces) Window, walls & pipes are free of condensate No visible mould growth on surfaces  %&YZcdeT P d Q l e bvHIvwP̿}}oh#h6v5CJ OJQJh#h6vCJOJQJh#h58CJOJQJh#hiBCJOJQJh#h6vCJOJQJh#h6v5CJOJQJh6v6CJOJQJaJh6v6CJOJQJ h#h#hlh#hl5CJOJQJh6v5CJOJQJh6v)&ZdeT n {__ & F! hvv$If^v`gd6v & F h<$If^h`gd6v($$d %d &d 'd IfN O P Q $a$gd6v% >Gp@ P !$`'0*gd# $ a$gd6v$a$gd# c" S  & P ~mmm h$If^ h$$dIfN vv$If^v`! & F h$$dIfN^h`gd6v & F! hvvx$If^v`gd6v & F! hvv$If^v`gd6v P e 5 Q l j & F#$If^`gd6v & F#<$If^`gd6v6 h$$d %d &d 'd -DIfM N O P Q  $If^`! & F" h$$dIfN^h`gd6v  G  LlT>> & F $-DIfM  & F$ $-DIfM 6 h$$d %d &d 'd -DIfM N O P Q " & F# $-DIfM ^`gd6v" & F# h$-DIfM ^h`gd6v & F#x$If^`gd6vLjb>v0 & F% hx$If^h`gd6v, $$d %d &d 'd IfN O P Q  & F$ $-DIfM  & F $-DIfM 0Iwvvl $If & F& h$If^h`gd6v> p $$d %d &d 'd -DIfM N O P Q ^` & F% $If^`gd6v & F% h$If^h`gd6v0Qnxx] & F( <$If^`gd6v & F' hh<$If^h`gd6v & F' hh$If^h`gd6v & F' hh<$If^h`gd6v4 $$d %d &d 'd -DIfM N O P Q PQmnMj+A)@<c m NOno.01P! !!Z!\!^!h6vCJOJQJmH sH h6vCJOJQJh6v5CJOJQJh6v5CJOJQJh6vCJOJQJh#h58CJOJQJh#h6v5CJOJQJh#h6vCJOJQJh#h6vCJ OJQJ8 Mj+{bbbG & F) <$If^`gd6v & F) $If^`gd6v & F) <$If^`gd6v4 $$d %d &d 'd -DIfM N O P Q  & F( <$If^`gd6v & F( $If^`gd6v+Aw{>< h$$d %d &d 'd -DIfM N O P Q ^h` & F* <$If^`gd6v & F* $If^`gd6v & F* <$If^`gd6v4 $$d %d &d 'd -DIfM N O P Q 6Vj)@sf & F, >><$If^>`gd6v4 $$d %d &d 'd -DIfM N O P Q  & F+ h<$Ifgd6v & F+ h$Ifgd6v & F+ h$If & F+ h<$Ifgd6vs <QRcz~~~p & F $If & Fh$If^h h$If^h & F-h$If^h`gd6v$If4 h$$d %d &d 'd -DIfM N O P Q  & F, >>$If^>`gd6v .v /wi h$If^h & F ||$If^|` hh$If^h & F-h$$dIfN^h`gd6v & F$If & F|$If^|` h$If^h! & F- h$$dIfN^h`gd6v /D[LlmW0$$d %d &d 'd -DIfM N O P Q $If & F.$If8h$$d %d &d 'd -DIfM N O P Q ^h`$If^` |$If^|` h$If^h Nkd$$IflF $x x x 0    44 layt6v & F/h$If^h`gd58 & F/h$If^h`gd6v =p8Oop & F1$If & F0x$If & F0$If0$$d %d &d 'd -DIfM N O P Q $If($ >Gp@ P !$`'0*a$gd6vpq#O/01P)$ >Gp@ P !$`'0*$Ifa$ & F2$If & F2<$If0$$d %d &d 'd -DIfM N O P Q $IfP!T}' a & F5$If & F5<$If$If & F4$If & F4<$If0$$d %d &d 'd -DIfM N O P Q & F3x$If & F3$Ifa ![!\!]!^!|)$ >Gp@ P !$`'0*$Ifa$$If & F6$If & F6<$If0$$d %d &d 'd -DIfM N O P Q & F5x$If ^!h!i!^"_"`"b"c"ŷhrch6vCJOJQJmH sH h6vCJOJQJhlhlCJOJQJhlCJOJQJhhl5CJOJQJhl5CJOJQJ^!i!! 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