
Christina Guzzo

Christina Guzzo
Associate Professor
Director of the Centre for the Neurobiology of Stress
Telephone number


HIV-1,Viral pathogenesis,Viral transmission,Host-pathogen interactions, Anti-viral activity,Cytokines

Research Interests

The natural history of HIV infection is highly heterogeneous in different individuals, spanning from a stable asymptomatic condition to a rapid disease evolution. A major determinant of the pace of HIV disease progression is the in vivo level of viral replication, which is regulated by an intricate network of bioactive molecules, including both soluble immune modulators and cell-associated receptors. My research aims to precisely delineate the molecular mechanisms of HIV-1 control and pathogenesis, underlying interactions between soluble and cell-derived molecules with the HIV-1 envelope, with a goal of identifying new vulnerabilities on the virus that may lead to novel targets for therapy and prevention.