ࡱ> UWVU c bjbjnn 4BaaOff8.$RdB't&&&&&&&$(l+v&&&UUU&U&UUr%TQ&p~MR&&'0B'&2+ex+Q&+Q&\U&&xB'+fB : Significant Stories Step 1: Developing Your Experience List This exercise will lay the foundation for understanding your interests, values, and skills, and help to identify some personal characteristics and strengths. It will take 20-40 minutes. List experiences from your past that are positive for you. These are things that you are proud of, that make you feel energized as you recall them. Include your earliest memories. They can be anything from building a house to drawing a picture or running a race. It only matters how you feel about it. The standard to use in choosing items for this list is your own pride in feeling "I did that myself!" Examples of significant experiences are: Coached my sisters baseball team to a winning season Created an innovative new procedure and trained coworkers how to use it Designed a go-kart with 2 friends and won first prize in a race Doubled the sales volume in my department (retail) in a two-month period Earned enough money at my part-time job to attend big-budget theatre productions twice a year Helped solve an important personal problem for a neighbour Initiated a program, product or procedure at my job Learned to swim and dive at age seven Raised $1,000 for charity by organizing bake sales with my club Set up and ran a summer business that earned enough profit to pay for my school tuition Successfully managed a difficult project to completion Taught myself how to create a web site by studying a how-to book Learned to use a project management website to help my class manage a research project Put items down in the order that they occur to you, without prioritizing them. Try to come up with 20+ things, or at least ten (10) of them. Some people prefer to write these down on a blank sheet of paper. Others prefer to use a chart to record the pride list. Remember that it is important to write about things you did in a variety of life roles (such as being a brother/sister/neighbour, cooking, volunteering, learning as a student, etc.). My Experience List TimeEducationWorkFamilyHobbies Up to Age 15   Age 16-17   First Year Uni (first 5 credits)  Second Year Uni (next 5 credits) Third Year Uni (next 5 credits)  Step 2: Writing Your Significant Stories On a separate sheet of paper or on your computer, write a short story about each of your three (3) favourite experiences or more! But at least three. Depending on how much you write, this process can take from 30 minutes to a few hours.Choose from your Experience List the top three activities according to your pride in them, joy in doing them, and level of energy in remembering them. Describe exactly what you did in each situation, what you accomplished and what you enjoyed. Try to be precise when you present dollar figures, percentages, etc. It is very important to overcome your natural modesty and your reluctance to brag just a little. You did a good job on that thing, whatever it was! You may find it helpful to write these stories as if you were explaining them to a child. When we are speaking with children, we use clear language and provide a lot of detail. Keep in mind that you need to describe these experiences using words from all of your senses: what you saw, heard, felt, smelled and tasted. It is also helpful to describe your experiences from the perspectives of how you felt at the time and how you feel now as you recall them. Remember to provide details. For example: From an Experience List: I was a server at a restaurant" Why is this person proud of this job? The details that s/he is proud of are underlined. "I waited on ten tables at one time, taking orders from all the people at the table as to what they wanted to eat, then I gave the orders in at the kitchen to the cooks. I had to keep in mind who had been served with what, and keep some kind of timing schedule in my head so that I would know which table had waited the longest for its next course of food. Most night, the guests appeared very happy with my service and they gave me just as much or more in tips than some of the more experienced servers were earning." Step 3: Brainstorming with Friends and Family Ask someone you trust a friend or a family member to listen to your significant stories. Ask them to write down the skills, strengths, and personal characteristics that they hear in your stories. Talk about what interested you in the thing you did. Try to explain why this thing matters to you to find some of your values. My Significant Stories 1. Experience List Item: __________________________________________________ Why Im proud of this: ____________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 2. Experience List Item: __________________________________________________ Why Im proud of this: ____________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 3. Experience List Item: __________________________________________________ Why Im proud of this: ____________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________     Based on activity developed by Rob Straby. 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